The Rules

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The players:

-The Matchmaker (who is pairing the two up)

-The Subject (the person who is getting paired up)

-The potential boyfriend (Or PBF for short)

The rules are simple:

*You can't choose absolute weirdos for your player - we all know who they are, that really sweaty dude that picks his nose every second breath.

*The game stays between the two people playing - well, us and the whole of Wattpad.

*The Matchmaker can interfere with the Subject and the PBF but not really obviously. Only subtly. - for example, get all three people in a conversation and then the matchmaker leaves, leaving the two people alone together.

*All conversations are to be recorded - Yes, ALL. Every single conversation whether it be the subject and the PBF or your great Aunty talking about the PBF. Everything.

*All names are to be changed - for obvious privacy reasons.

*If no progress has been made with the subject and the PBF within a week, a new PBF must be chosen. - This is to avoid a boring story ;)

Well, I think that's it. WARNING: Complete Fails Ahead.

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