10. Flames

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Forgot to mention I changed the title of this book because I didn't like the other one🙀

(The next day)
Kristen POV
I am jumping with excitement on the inside right now. I haven't felt this way since my last boyfriend and I haven't even gone a day being with Scott.

Last night I stayed at Liza's apartment. I filled her in with the details of yesterday. She was almost as happy as i was. She says that this will be the best thing  that has ever happened for him.

As Liza and I are eating breakfast I get a call from the fire department.

"Uhh hello is this miss Kristen Mcatee?"

"yes what is the issue" I quickly ask the lady on the phone. A hint of worry in my voice.

"It seems the apartment under yours caught on fire and it spread to all apartments around it including yours." The lady's voice is sympathetic which makes me believe that the damage is big.

"Really? How bad is it?" I ask standing up and grabbing my keys. Liza stares at me with a look of confusion.

"Pretty awful. I recommend getting here as fast as you can. You'll need to find a new place to stay because the whole apartment building is beyond repair." The firefighter states.

"Oh my god. Ok umm Ill be there in a bit, bye" I say and hang up. I start breathing heavily and the room spins. Liza puts her hand on my shoulder, looking worried.

"What happened. What's wrong" she says to me.

"M-my apartment caught fire. We have to go see the damage" I answer anxiously.

Liza and I go to my car. The whole drive I am thinking about all the things that are probably burned. Photos, clothes, mementos, cash. I rest my head against the window.

Unedited, not read through, and very short

Hey! It's been two months. Sorry sorry sorry
Working on a published book and an unpublished book.
Gonna be prettty cool
*idk why but this monstrosity has 600 reads, so thanks*
Bye (vote if y'al want)

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