New School, New Me.

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"Y/N, Wake up! You have to go!"
You slowly open your eyes to see your Mom standing at the end of your bed, impatiently waiting, arms crossed, glaring you down with that Mom stare...

"Wha-- oh sorry..." you yawn and sit up. The sun shines through your window, almost blinding you to the hideous sight of your unpacked room. You remember the insanity of the last week.

Your Mom forced you to move after the divorce. You didnt want to leave New York, but you had to. She didn't want you to see your dad again. You had no say.
You sigh as you look at all of the unpacked boxes around the room.

"I cant believe you havent unpacked yet." Your mom says. She sighs and sits next to you, "look, I know everything is a little weird right now, but we have to pull ourselves together. We'll make it through this!!" She smiles at you and kisses your forehead. You return the smile then get up.
"Well I might as well get ready for school now." You say. Your Mom stands up and heads towards the door.
"Breakfast is on the stove. When your finished I'll drive you to school for your first day." She says then walks out.


You watch out the window as you ride in the car. You pass by a few shops, an old movie theater, and a police station.
"Why did we have to move to the dullest town in all of America?" You think to yourself.

You sigh and lean back in your seat, listening to F/B. You are actually happy and dozing off until you hear your Mom scream.
You sit upright and turn down your music.
"MOM?! WHATS WRONG?!" You ask hurriedly.
"THAT KID ALMOST HIT US-- Sorry I didnt mean to scare you, I just dont want you to be hurt..." she replies, and when she thinks your not looking, she flips off the reckless driver.
You turn around in your seat and see the driver. He has blonde hair styled as a mullet. Next to him is a young red-headed girl who looks like shes going to cry. He is yelling at her and you feel sympathy towards her. You sigh and face forward.

The school comes into view and you hug your mom goodbye.
"Goodluck on your first day, honey." She says and waves you off.
You walk towards the school and immediately you feel out of place. Everyone is separated into their own groups. The cheerleaders, jocks, nerds....


You look down at the ground and continue to walk, ignoring everyone. You sigh, as you remember your last school. You weren't that popular, and would get picked on a lot for whatever you did.
"No. Not this time." You think, and immediately you stand up tall and looks straight ahead, as if you have a purpose and know what your doing-- but you didnt notice the student in front of you and you walk right into him.
Some students burst out laughing, while you sit on the ground in shock. The dude you walked into sits on the ground, rubbing his head.
"Ow--" he groans.
"I'M SO SORRY!" You say and quickly gather up your things.
"It's fine!" He replies, and helps you. "Hey, arent you the new girl?"
You laugh, "yeah I am. Great first impression, am I right?"
He chuckles, "Well glad I ran into you! I'm supposed to show you around. My name is Steve. Steve Harrington." He holds out his hand and you shake. "I'm Y/N L/N. I just moved here." He helps you up and you dust yourself off.
"Well, where you from Y/N?"
"I just moved here from New York. It's a pretty big difference if you ask me."
He looks at you in shock, "Wow all the way from New York?? Did you live in the city?"
"Yeah we had a loft that my Dad payed for but then..." you stop yourself, not wanting to reveal that much about your personal life.
"Still, rhats pretty awesome! Well, let me show you around!" He says and holds out his hand. You smile and grab it and you both head inside.

What's a Demogorgon? (Stranger Things x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora