Chapter 6

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   I had woke up. I was still in my room but I was placed in my bed. My eye sight was blurry. I tried blinking over and over again to see straight. My eye sight came back. I looked around the room, no one was there. I guess Charles left. All I remember was me passing out right in front of him. I also heard clear as day that he said he killed his parents.

   I couldn't shake those words out of my head. I had so may questions in my head. What was I suppose to do about this? How was I suppose to talk to him without thinking about him killing someone? What was he going to do to me? Should I tell someone about this? All the questions were giving me a headache.

   My throat was hurting  and ached for some water. I slowly made my way out of my bed. I made my way down stairs. I walked to the kitchen and open the icebox. I grabbed a bottle of water. I shut the door and notice someone at the kitchen doorway. I was so scared that I could piss my pants. I turned and I relaxed to see my mother.

   My mother notices my facial expression was scared shit less. I opened the bottle of water and drank half of the water. I felt like I had been in the hot sun for a week. Soon my mother was in front of me.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

"Nothing," I said keeping it simple.

"I heard what happen," she said with a frown.

"What?" I asked not understanding what she ment by that. She didn't say anything. She open her arms and hugged me tight. What the hell was she doing. Me and my mother was never close since my father had left. She worked 24/7 so I lived by myself sort of.

"What are you talking about?" I asked again.

"Will and you broke up," She stated.


"I came home to check up on you to see if you were okay,"

"That's nice but I'm happy I broke up with that asshole!"

"What? Why? Will was a nice young man. Wasn't he your love first love."

"No he's not and yeah me might be my first love be who cares!" I yelled as I heard to my room.

"Didn't y'all, well you know," she asked as she walked behind me.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Y'all didn't have ... sex?" she whispered liked someone was going to hear. I turned around then.

"No mother I didn't have sex with Will! I'm a virgin!" I yelled as I walked into my room and slammed the door shut.

   I jumped onto my bed. I didn't move for awhile until I heard my phone beep. I grabbed my phone from my night stand. I had a unknown text message saying,

"Hey Grace"

None of my friends called me Grace unless it was something important they had to tell me. I decided to text this person back. My message had said,

"Who is this ?"

My message wasn't anything special but I didn't know what else to say. Was I suppose to act like I knew who it was or what? I jumped as my phone beeped again. The message read,

"Someone, Want to know?"

Duh, I wanted to know who this person was. I messaged back,


The next message had me thinking. It read,

"Then meet me at the city lake park at 12"

This person wanted me to meet them at park. I didn't want to go but I wanted to know who this person was. It could be Will or maybe Alison trying to prank me. I thought it may be Charles but how would he get my number. I looked at my clock. It was 11:47. I got up from my bed and changed my clothes. I grabbed my keys to my car. I texted back saying,

"Okay, I'll be by the fountain"

I made my way to my car and started toward the park. I went to the park with my dad. My dad would watch me play, play games like tag or he would tell me storys as we had a picnic. I missed thoughs time.

I parked my car in the parking lot where the fountain was 25 feet away from me. I didn't know if I should stay in my car and watch to see who would show up or get out and wait. Maybe the person was watching me as I sat here. I looked around but didn't notice anyone. I got out and walked slowly to the fountain. I looked around as I did so.

I made it to the fountain and took a seat on it. I pulled out my phone to look to see if I had a message. No messages but it was now 11:55. I had five minutes until the mystery person would come up to me. I keep looking around to see if I knew any of the faces in the park. It was dark but the Lamp poles were bright as the sun. I stood up now walking back and forward waiting. I was beginning to shake from bring so afraid.

I glared at my phone and the time read 12. I looked around as I kept walking back and forward in front of the fountain.

Then I heard a voice behind me that had said my name. It made me stop right where I was. It was a husky voice. I knew this voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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