02. The last one ever

Start from the beginning

"Ages man, ages." Dylan reproached as he let go of the older man. "Am I too early or why is this so empty?"

"No you not." Ki Hong chuckled light, "Thomas is just late. Like always."

Thomas truly was always the one that came late, to everything. It was not that he didn't take thing seriously but he just took his time. He actually leaved the house in a good time, enough to come up at the meeting spot in time. But that is if you didn't count his slow walking and stops for a tea. Thomas took his time, with everything. Which meant that he also took his time with his walking. He was slow and just, slow.

Remember that kind of people that walk in front of you and just are slow? Way too slow in your taste? Thomas is one of them. Only that he was like that 24/7. Even when he was in a hurry, he'd never start walking faster just to be there in time. Let's not even mention running. Thomas never runs, ever. When Dylan saw him run for the first time when they were shooting the first movie, he was actually amazed. He never thought Thomas would actually start running, he thought his character would be one of these that never ever got to run, but he did run. And he ran so effortlessly it made Dylan question his existence. For someone that never ever runs, Thomas ran in the movies as if it was nothing, as if he did that every day. Which he obviously didn't. Even Dylan, got faster exhausted than Thomas.

"The usual I see." Dylan smiled taking a little swallow of his latte. He was relieved by the fact that his friend hadn't change a bit. He looked back at Ki Hong who had now his hands laying on his waist. He was looking at the door, waiting for the Brit to show up any time. "Have you talked to him anytime since we finished the movie?"

His older friend started laughing at that question. The answer was obvious for both of them but Dylan wanted to know, if there was anytime the two boys had hang out together without the American. "Not really. But you know how Thomas is, reserved in his little corner of London."

Dylan nodded at that response. It was true and Dylan felt quite uncomfortable because of the stupid question he had asked. It was pretty obvious that if the cast would hang out together, they'd invite Dylan. Even if they didn't say it out loud, they all loved Dylan's stupidity. It made him different, unique. And Dylan loved the fact that his fellow mates loved his stupid stupidity.

"So I've heard you will go trough the whole tour this year?" Ki said looking at his friend. Dylan nodded in reply, not thinking he had to say anything more. "That had me pretty shocked to be honest. I did not think you would, you rarely join all of it."

"I just thought it would be a nice way to enjoy the last moments we have as a close cast. I just wished everyone joined for the premiers. I mean you are only there for Korea and LA. Kaya is there for Paris, London and LA. And will only for LA. I just wished we would all be together in this you see what I mean?" Ki Hong's nodding gave Dylan the permission to talk again, "well at least there is Thomas."

"That man is truly in everything. Late, but he is." Dylan laughed at Ki Hong's remark. "So it is truly over after this huh?"

Dylan's heart kind of broke when Ki mentioned that fact. Dylan knew for months now that it would be over but he tried to forget about that. He knew that this press tour would be the last time the whole cast would enjoy to be together. It would maybe also be the last time they actually were together but Dylan did not want that to happen. The Maze Runner was officially one of the best casts Dylan had ever worked with and he didn't think that his mind would ever change anytime soon.

"I guess so. Kind of sad. I'll miss the whole dancing and Mario Kart." Dylan answered with a small smile on his lips.

He didn't want any of this to end. He didn't want to slip apart with his friends. He didn't want to be alone like he always was when there was nothing to do. Of course he had some movies up, spent time with the cast of that specific movie he was staring in but it wasn't the same. It wasn't the same as the time he spent with the Maze Runner or Teen Wolf cast. The Teen Wolf cast was different though. They were almost 10 years now working together, they were a family. But the Maze Runner cast was just a family from the first movie on. They just clicked the second they saw each other. Everyone took care of everyone. They all enjoyed the movie at it's fullest and it just felt like they never left home.

"I guess if you want to cry you have to do it fast because Thomas will not cry with you Dylan." Ki let go off.

Dylan smiled light, knowing that his friend was right. Thomas would build up a wall, act like he didn't care but under there he was the one that suffered the most out of the whole cast. Like mentioned, his image was important.

Dylan sat down his empty to go latte bottle and crossed his arms in front of his chest. He still had his little bag with the muffin in his hand, not letting go ready to trow it at his friend the moment he came inside of the room.

"I just wish we could rewind time." Dylan said, still staring at the door of the room, "I don't want all of this to be over you see."

"Oh trust me it won't. I'm pretty sure you and Thomas will have the time of your life's while traveling around the globe." Ki smiled at Dylan.

It kind of made Dylan feel great again the way Ki Hong saw this situation. "Probably." he mumbled.

"Speaking of the devil. He's only 15 minutes late I think that's a record." Ki said pointing at the door of the room.

Thomas entered the room, looking around doing his best to find the people he was supposed to meet up with. He was wearing a colourful red jacket that fitted him really amazingly and smiled light when his gaze met with Ki Hong's and Dylan's.

Dylan started running at his friend with a smile on his lips. He opened up his arms widely ready to hold him tight but stopped when he was standing only inches away from his colleague.

"What'up mate" he said, lifting his head with his arms now crossed in front of his chest.

The Brit smiled at his friend, who obviously did all of this on purpose and took him into a small hug. "I missed you too you bad habits like American."

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