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ShadAmy Week

Day2: Protection

    Amy had been living a normal life so far. She did in fact, take a small break from following Sonic and began to have her on adventures at her own pace. She wasn't a kid anymore, and ever since the day she began to kick -butt on her own, she was more confident and began stronger as an individual.

    A few months ago she encountered Rouge on a mission she had. They both were trying to catch some bandits that were tormenting a village nearby. Furthermore, they joined powers and brought those bandits to justice. That's how their friendship began, Rouge will even invite Amy to her G.U.N. missions once in a while. Of course in secret, according to G.U.N protocol, no one but they should be allowed to participate in missions. However, Rouge never really care following G.U.N protocol, and soon Omega joined them as well.

"Guess, who decided to join G.U.N?"

"I don't know, Knuckles? Hahahaa"

"I wouldn't be here if he actually joined, you know that right?"- Rouge winked at her.

"Well then...who?"


    Amy came back to her as soon as she remembers Shadow's name. Now that she thinks about it, she hasn't seen the black with red stripes hedgehog ever since Amy gave him back that picture of him and Maria, while they were talking on the cliff. And also, he did promise to take a picture with her so....Amy decided to pay a small visit to his friend.




    Amy waited for almost an hour and she was still waiting. She didn't know much about Shadow. She knew he was a difficult hedgehog to understand, in all honesty, she didn't know why she tried so much in order to become 'close' to him. Maybe...maybe, because Shadow is a reminder of how complicated can someone's life become once they lose someone they love.  Amy didn't pity him but admired him. If she were to lose someone she loves, she knew she wouldn't be able to handle it. She wanted to learn from Shadow, as well as to help him accept his past and start living again.

"You are here again?"

    Amy turned around and saw Shadow behind her. Amy took a quick look at him, for some reason, he looked tired, she also noticed some scratches and even dust around his body.

"Did you...just come back from a mission?"

" do you know?"

    What Shadow did next really took her by surprise, Shadow sat close to her. Not like super close, but close enough for her to be able to touch him if she were to stretch her arm enough. Not like it bothers her or anything, she was glad that Shadow felt safe enough with her to let his guard down with her like this. Little by little, Amy was overjoyed with this small improvement. She didn't want to rush anything, nor make him feel pressure, that's why the first time they 'actually' talked, Amy decided to give him a big space between them, just make the point go across.

"I can tell... please be more careful from now on"

"You are talking to the Ultimate Life Form, you know that right?"

"Ultimate or not, you can still get hurt... Am I wrong?"


"if you ever need help, am right here ya know? I have been joining Rouge and Omega in some missions they have"

"G.U.N. protocol strictly forbids outsiders who do not belong to our association form joining any type of missions"

"Wow, Shadow... I never thought you were one to follow the rules"

ShadAmy Week 2018 Pt.1Where stories live. Discover now