Chapter 8

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Ella's POV

I woke up and saw the hospital waiting room I sighed I walked up to the front desk "how is Corbyn Besson and jonah marias?" I asked sleepily "jonah is going to be fine but we're not so sure about Corbyn Besson" he said I nodded and sat back down the boys walked in with bags "hey we brought food and clothes!" They said I nodded and saw corbyns hoodie I grabbed it and leggings I ran into the bathroom and tossed it on I walked back out and we ate "Corbyn Bessons family?" The doctor asked I shot up and walked over "hi I'm his best friend what's going on?" I asked he sighed "he will wake up in a few months to a year," he said I smiled "oh that's great!" I said knowing he's gonna wake up I ran over to the boys "he's gonna wake up in 3 months to a year" I said they gasped happily

3 months later

Still no Corbyn I've become depressed,

3 months later

I'm more depressed than ever I miss Corbyn

3 months later

I haven't left my room in three months

3 months later

I'm now 15
I miss Corbyn more than ever,

I heard my phone ring I grabbed it sleepily "what?" I asked sleepily "he's awake" jonah said I opened my eyes "I'll be right down" I said hanging up and grabbing my flip flops I ran downstairs I saw mom and dad "hey corbyns awake!l I yelled they clapped I grabbed my keys and drove as fast as possible I parked and ran inside I saw the boys they waved I waved and ran to his room the door was open I ran inside "Corbyn.." I said happily with tears of joy running down my face I hugged him he hugged me tight "Ella" he said "I've missed you so much dork" i said I saw my self in the mirror   I gasped "omg I'm a mess" I said laughing I grabbed a comb they gave him I combed through my hair I grabbed a rag and washed my face I sat back down he saw the hoodie he smirked "I've had it on since last year" I said I got out and note I wrote for his birthday "read it" I said he nodded the note said 'dear Corbyn, I miss you so much, I keep visiting you, I haven't taken your sweatshirt off since 2017, I know you would have laughed st that, oh how I love your laugh, I'm so sorry I had you go downstairs, I should have been the one stabbed, do you remember that time when I pranked you guys about me drowning, remember our movie night remember our first date? Now that I think about it we may never have one of those again..., Corbyn Besson I love you.' His eyes widened he kissed me "I love you too Ella" he said those five words made my life amazing again "I've missed you I've been such a depressed mess" I said "would you mind being my girlfriend?" He asked "of Course" I said and we kissed again but I turned my head so it was in the cheek the boys took a photo "send me it" I said they nodded the doctor came in "so he can go home in a few days" the doctor said we all nodded "well I'm going to go freshen up then I'll be back" I said he nodded I walked to my car and drove home "he's alive and well!" I yelled the whole house cheered I ran upstairs and got changed into this

' His eyes widened he kissed me "I love you too Ella" he said those five words made my life amazing again "I've missed you I've been such a depressed mess" I said "would you mind being my girlfriend?" He asked "of Course" I said and we kissed agai...

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I put on my black flip flops and grabbed a few books and an adult coloring book I grabbed colored pencils I threw them all in a backpack and walked downstairs I drove to the hospital I parked and walked in I walked to his room "I'm back" I said sm...

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I put on my black flip flops and grabbed a few books and an adult coloring book I grabbed colored pencils I threw them all in a backpack and walked downstairs I drove to the hospital I parked and walked in I walked to his room "I'm back" I said smiling "I brought items" I said pulling out the books and coloring book along with pencils I took out my notebook and pen "cool" I sat down but it was so uncomfortable so I got up "hey ima go ask the front desk when you can go home"I said he nodded I ran up to the desk "when can Corbyn Besson leave?" I Asked "today" she said I nodded and ran back to his room "hey get changed we're leaving" I said tossing him clothes he nodded and walked to the bathroom I sat down and a nurse came in " omg your Ella scherer" she said "I love your song dead" she said "would you mind singing it?" She asked "not at all I can also give you a sneak peak of my new song coming out tonight" I said she gasped and nodded "baby no more showing up when your not sober, showing up at my front door just to say your allooone tonight, tryna mess me and my mind up it's a reminder your a liar and yo know I'm right" I sang "you say you love me I say you crazy were nothin more than friends" I sang "I'm Addison by the way" she said "cool here's my number"I said and gave her it she left and Corbyn walked in "hey let's go" I said grabbing his bags we walked to my car I threw the stuff in the back "wanna hang at mine or no?" I asked "yours" he said I nodded and drove to my place I parked and we got out and walked in and there was a clown in there "holy sh*t you guys scared the crap out of me o wait your giggles!" I said walking In and Dad walked down the stairs and screamed "nice makeup" I said looking at it "thanks" she said I walked up with Corbyn we sat on my bed Katrina walked in "we have somthing to show you" she said happily and opened my door a girl about 7 walked in "your niece Karen" she said I knew what was gonna happen she was gonna be the spotlight of the family and I got back to the orphanage I fake smiled at her "ok let's go show Elton" Katrina said I was never a fan of Katrina she always gave me a dirty look "bish" I mumbled as she walked out "watch's want to do?" I asked "this" he said and kissed me I giggled then dad walked in "crap" I mumbled "what did I miss?" He asked "me and Corbyn are boyfriend and girlfriend" I mumbled "daddy don't be mad at him please" I said he nodded and left I layed on my bed snuggled into corbyns side I drifted off to sleep happy to have my boy back

Adopted by Corey Scherer and Devyn LundyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt