Chapter 37

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Ella's POV

I got off the couch and ran next door I went inside and saw corbyn "baby" I said crying he ran over and picked me up kissing me I cried as he did "i love you" he said holding me I cried into his shoulder "I love you so much" he said " I love you too" I said and kissed his cheek  he set me down as I got s phone call I picked it up "hello?" I asked "hey it's Colby I am inviting you to my wedding next year" he said "your engaged?" I asked "yep" he said "okay send me the dates I'll see if I'm free" I said and he hung up I went upstairs and showered I brushed through my hair and did some makeup I got dressed and got a call I answered "hey" I said "Ella little mix wants you to join their group" my boss said "oh my god yes!" I said

1 week later

I walked onto set before the filming of shout out to my ex began I got into my first outfit "hey!" I said to be girls "hey" they said and we began filming the last part of the music video where I throw out the teddy Colby gave me

I smiled as they hit upload we all squealed I hugged them all (Ella is Perrie) I got into my car and drove back home and began writing one of the new songs I thought of "hey babe" corbyn said walking in kissing me on the forehead "baby checkup tommorow" I said smiling he nodded "you coming" I asked he shook his head no "why not?" I asked "I've got to record with the guys" he said kissing me I nodded and got into pajamas and went to sleep

I woke up and got dressed quick and brushed my hair I put on my shoes and walked to my car I drove to the doctor and went inside I signed In and went back "hey" she said walking in I smiled and sat down "hey" I said and she put the gel on my stomach and did the thing she was silent "so?" I asked she walked out and came back in "there wasn't a heartbeat..." she said my eyes started watering "so this means" she started "it died" I finished she nodded and hugged me I stood up and grabbed my bag waving bye "hope to see you soon" she said I nodded and walked out I walked to my car and cried I drove home and ran inside I saw no one I laid on the couch crying and heard the door open "corbyn" I said and hugged him "the um baby" I said and cried "it's gone" I said crying into his shoulder he rubbed my back I looked up and he was crying I kissed him and put my head back into his shoulder

2 weeks later

I walked onto the set with the girls "you excited?" Jesy asked I nodded "I heard what happened if you need to talk I'm always open" she said smiling reassuringly I smiled and nodded and we began filming

I checked the time as we stopped 12:49 AM I groaned "at least we got it all done" I said smiling at the girls "bye Ella!" Jade said I waved and walked to the car I got in and drove home I got in the house I was jumped on by a German Shepard "who's dog is this?" I asked as Corbyn came down the steps as I pet her "ours" he said smiling "I found her outside and took her to the vet, no chip was found so she just needs a few shots since she's a puppy" he said I nodded "name?" I asked "you chose baby" he said I smiled "angel!" I said and kissed her "let's go to bed" corbyn said rubbing his eyes I nodded angel following us to our room I looked around and saw a dog bed "she's not gonna sleep in that you know" I said he sighed I changed into pajamas and got under the covers angel hopping into my lap as I played on my phone.

  Corbyn laid next to me "I love you babygirl" he said I smiled "I love you too" I said and continued petting angel as she fell asleep I cut the lamps off and drifted off into a peaceful sleep

Adopted by Corey Scherer and Devyn LundyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant