A Zombie Smile

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A/N: I was inspired by the image above (made by ZoakimOlofson, posted on deviantart)

I risk a peek above the seat.

There are handprints all over the window of my yellow school bus. Vividly red. 


One of them spots me and smiles. Its teeth are razor-sharp and stained with blood. It licks its lips, still staring at me. I scream.  

And scream. 

My friend slaps her hand over my mouth and yanks me down. But it's too late. The zombies are climbing the side. Frantic. 

The bus trembles. It's filled with fear. 

Thump!  The roof. Footsteps. My eyes stay glued to the ceiling hatch. 

It opens and a face appears.

A smile. 

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