-Time Skip, Elsewhere

A lone man, gruff and large, swept the floor with an aging broom. It was now entering the twilight, the sun having just touched the horizon and the moon doing similar, and thus his shift had ended. Removing his apron, which held oil stains along its length, he began to head towards the back exit. The door opened on smooth hinges, well maintained and needing no maintenance for a good while. The door began closing behind him, and a figure struck from the shadows. Without revealing his face, or any identifiable detail of themselves, long and sharp fangs plunged into the man's neck blindly, forcing something into the unblinking adult's bloodstream.
The unnamed man reacted instantly, swinging wildly to get the other off. Said other leapt back into the shadows, their pupils glowing brightly within the darkness, as their owner waited patiently. Pain erupted from somewhere behind the man's eye's, inside if his skull. It only lasted for a moment, however, before subsiding. The man's body slumped, his muscles releasing in their tension, as the man lost consciousness.
Naruto grinned at this and walked forwards, his eyes flashing to either side to check for any onlookers within the alleyway. Nothing but the shadows and a few small rodents watched, and nothing stood in his way. He restrained himself from sharpening all of his teeth, merely allowing his fangs and secondary fangs, and he plunged his teeth into the side of the man's throat, more in the area where neck met shoulder.
Blood, metallic in taste but rich with the life force he oh so desired, began to slide down his throat as he eagerly gulped each drop, stopping long before the man could reach death. Opening his mouth, he lifted his head off of the man's skin, a trail of saliva that tinged red and mingled with blood trailing, as the boy cocked his head back for a few moments and sighed in relief as his hunger was subdued. He licked his lips, as though to gather the last of something too divine to waste, and placed a lone hand on the wall behind him as he stood up and leaned back onto the cold and hard surface.

"Enjoying yourself?" An amused voice asked. Naruto cocked his head for a moment, but never moved to attack nor tense himself as that was not the voice of an outsider. No, that was the voice of a fellow monster, just like him. Edward smiled at him kindly, looking down with interest at the still very much alive but very much not conscious other.
"Do you know him?" He asked conversationally, nudging the now pale man with a foot.

"Not really, he once threw something at me though." Naruto responded, allowing his body to lower towards the ground as he slid down the rough surface of the brick wall. Edward joined him, and placed his head over the one that he found to be resting over his shoulder, closing his eyes to enjoy the moment.
"Edward?" Naruto suddenly asked in a deadpanned voice. Edward, for his part, seemed unresponsive, his head dipping further over Naruto's as he slipped into sleep.
"Ed!" Naruto whined, nudging the other with his elbow and causing him to jolt awake.

"Whasup now?" He asked drowsily, lifting his head and rubbing his eye to get the sleep from it.

"You fell asleep." Naruto said flatly. Edward gave a small nervous chuckle, blushing slightly.

"Did I? Whoops." He replied, yawning openly
"Guess I'm just tired. I haven't seen my bed in dayyyys." He explained, snickering slightly at Naruto's expression.
"So," he began
"How's life with the humans treating you?" He asked, glancing back over towards the mass that lay before them. Naruto sighed in a clearly annoyed manner. He turned his head upwards to stare at the rooftop that just barely covered the area above his head.

"I'm bored and then I'm sad, bored again, mad, bored, blah de blah blah blah." Naruto explained.
"And I can't get a break with these guys, my apartment sucks, the people are terrible, the ramen stand, the one I showed you a while ago, well, the people there in this dimension hate me and have tried to poison me red times already, not that they'll admit it, and on top of all that; I have to deal with these assholes!" He threw his hands out, as though to gesture to nonexistent others, and referred to his fellow nin.

"That sucks." Edward stated, glancing over hungrily towards the unconscious man with glowing eyes.

"How bout you? How's reconstruction been treating you?" Naruto asked before thinking of something else.
"How's Ditsy and Nighty?" He added

"Ditsy works as a guard and is a messenger, Nighty is working with the science department, the one that works with solutions and drugs, and part time in the torture department, the arena-I mean-not the investigative department." Edward explained.
"As for me? Reconstruction mostly, as well as keeping a few dumbasses from breaking their time and working on our list of summoners and imports, we don't export anything yet." Edward explained, before slamming his head on the rough surface behind him.
"In addition, I've spent the last week helping a group of outer space pirates form a Cu." Edward replied. Naruto raised a brow, thinking himself to have heard wrong.

"You helped inter galactic pirates make copper?" He asked teasingly, a sly grin forming in his face.

"Element pun!" Edward responded in an exclamation, grinning wide. A few moments later, he dug his hand into his bag and pulled something out. It looked like a small pamphlet. The papers were held together by a single ring of metal and slid away as he lifted it up, the young looking being sifting through the paler shade as he looked for something. He frowned as he found no good puns based on their situation and returned the pamphlet to its previous position within his bag.

"You like puns now?" Naruto asked, quirking a brow at the knowledge.

"They have their charm." Edward responded easily, putting his hands in his knees and pushing himself upwards, standing.
"Alright, let's go." Edward told simply.

"Go?" Naruto asked, suddenly realizing that there was a small stream of the fluid he had consumed that had run down his chin. He wiped himself clean of the material to the best of his abilities and tasted nothing but blood, partially dry and devoid of any of its previous nutrients as the life force that mingled within it had dissipated. It tasted surprisingly different now than it had earlier, as though the majority of the flavor was embedded in the spirit of the individual.

"Yeah" Edward glanced overs giving him a pleasant smile before turning back towards the exit of the alleyway.
"I'm hungry."

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