{9} The Glowing Blue Eyes

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   "The Hollows. They're getting stronger," Hope said, looking out the window with her sister beside her. "A good deal stronger," Skye added, looking at her sister with worried eyes. Hope returned the look as their father stopped to stand, looking at them. 

   "You can sense them?" Klaus asked his daughters. It was an odd thing to hear. He loved his two little girls more than anyone he's ever loved, even more than Camille, but sometimes he finds himself struggling to keep up with them and struggling to understand what they're going through, seeing, feeling... They've been through more hell since their birth than Rebekah or Kol ever had in their lifetimes.

"When we first got here, there was always music outside, people dancing, laughing. But since they came back, it's so quiet." Hope explained. Hope and her twin could just see the scene in their mind. It's not here anymore now and it is only replaced by the quiet.

"It's like they are draining everything out of the city. They already took Uncle Elijah. And soon they will come for the rest of us then there is nothing we can do to stop them." Skye continued for her sister. Hope and Skye walked over to their father.

Klaus bent down and placed his hands on their shoulders, "Listen, Hope, Skye, I know you're both scared. But over the years, a lot of bad people have stood against out family, and all of them have fallen. The Hollows are no different."

"But they are. They are different." Skye said with a slightly scared look in here eyes. Hope had the same exact look as they just stared at their father.


Hope, Skye, and Hayley were all in one room together and what they were doing? You're going to find out. Hayley was lighting a candle that was on a desk and then turned back to the two girls. "We don't want to." Hope said to their mother. Hayley looked down at the two girls and then bent down in front of them.

"Are you both scared that it's gonna hurt?" Hayley asked.

"We're scared that if we do this, you're gonna pick a fight. And the Hollows, they can hurt you." Hope replied.

Skye added to the answer, "And we don't want you to get hurt."

"I know you're scared. I wish we didn't have to have this conversation. When I was your age, I had to deal with a lot of things that I didn't want to deal with either. I didn't want that for either of you, but here we are. The thing is, sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do because you're the only one that can do them." Hayley said to the girls. What she said is what she really meant. Hayley didn't want her girls to be doing something that they don't want to do, but they have to.

"Like you." Hope suggested.

Hayley nodded in confirmation, "Like me."

The two girls nodded, "Okay." Hope held her finger out and Hayley poked it with the sharp needle. When she was done with Hope, Skye did the same thing that Hope did and she winced as she felt the sharp needle pierce her finger.


Hope was pacing around the room while Skye was sitting on the couch. They were both waiting for their parents to get back, but neither one of them were. What the two girls didn't see yet was that someone else was entering the room. "Hey, buddies." The girls heard a voice say. They both looked up the see their Uncle Kol or as they know him know: the Stranger.

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