I know...

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Newt's POV
Oh great another day in the hell pit they call school. I really hope Thomas give my a day of rest. For the last five years Thomas Edison and his pathetic little gang have been bullying me everyday. And for five years I've been cutting myself everyday, my arms have been torn to shreds.

I rounded the corner to go to my locker and they were stood there, waiting. Thomas - the leader, he decides who the victim is.. usually me.
Minho - the follower, he's just there so he doesn't get hurt, I don't blame him.
Gally - the beater, he does anything he can to hurt the victim physically.
Teresa - the verbal abuser, whenever she can she does anything she can to destroy your reputation.
Alby - the cyber bully, he monitors the victims social media dropping negative comments every so often.

These five have been making my like a living hell, even though I have a lot of shit already going on at home. Why did they chose me? Do they get satisfaction or something out of making me unhappy?
"Oi, Issac!" I heard Thomas yell. I didn't turn back I just pressed my forehead again the cold metal door of my locker. "OI ISSAC, you prick. I'm fucking talking to you!" He grabbed my shoulder and span me around to face him. I really don't have time to put up with his bullshit. "Now what?" I answer. This made Thomas angry, he usually liked it when I was angry and fought back. "Why aren't you fighting back faggot?" He spat, a single drop of sweat falling from his head. "Ugh just kick and punch me a few times, maybe throw in some insults while you're at it, just hurry up and get this over with." He was surprised by what I had just said.

I pushed past him but he grabbed my arm "Go on then Thomas, hit me," I hissed, I didn't try and struggle to make him let go, I've learnt to accept this as part of my shitty life. "Go," he whispered. "What?!" I asked puzzled. "I SAID GO BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!"

I didn't think about it, I just ran. As I ran I heard whispers from his gang,
Why did you do that we had him??!

I pushed the door open to my class and made my way to the last empty seat. "Late again I see, Mr. Issac?" Mrs Haddock hissed looking over the top of her glasses. Bitch
"Yeah I um got caught up in the hallway." I said my voice shaky from what just happened. "Hmm, stay with me after the bell, I don't believe you," she licked her finger and turned the page of her book still making eye contact with me.
"But miss I ju.."
"FINE STAY AT LUNCH THEN!" She stood up and made her way over to me. I slumped down in my chair as I looked around at everyone staring at me

"And if you aren't here, I'll find you and drag you to my classroom by your hair!" The tone of her voice makes it sound like she really means it. "Bitch..." I mumble under my breath as she walks away but she hears. She turns swiftly on her heel to face me. "Excuse me Mr. Issac?" She pulls down her glasses and raises an eyebrow.
"I called you a bitch. Now get. Out. Of. My. Face" I spit. She turns red with anger as if she's about to burst "OUT. NOW!" She screams
"Gladly" I say as I grab my bag and head for the door.

I head to the head mistress's office seen as though that's where I'll end up. But coincidentally someone is sat there too, the one and only Thomas Edison.

"Oh, it's you!" He hissed looking down.
"Who were you expecting it to be?" I ask.
"Anyone but you. Did you know Newt that everyone hate you."
"I don't blame them to be honest," I reply, trying not to anger myself.
"You know if you killed yourself nobody would even care?" He says trying to be me angry but it's not working
"I know that too. You know Thomas, you trying to piss me off isn't going to work, I've heard it all. I know I'm ugly fat useless. My parents remind me everyday so keep trying." My voice was getting shaky.

I can't take sitting there with him anymore. I stand up, tears sting my eyes and I run but someone calls after me. "No. Newt wait. I'm sorry" it's Thomas. He sounds as if he really means it...

Bully - part one Where stories live. Discover now