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Water splashes on to Lain's heated face making him sigh softly in delight,"So much better." Sensei wouldn't let them take their shirts off, saying it would be indecent in front of all the girls who couldn't take theirs off. Unlike the others the three friends ran off after practice to the small clear pond a small ways into the forest.

A big splash echoes through out the lit up forest scarring off a big flock or birds that were resting on their trees. Toko sighs as he floats on his back,while the other two strip off their sweaty clothes keeping their under clothes on. "Nice floating devices you have there Naito~",the boy in the water jokes receiving a laugh from lain.

"Hey why don't you pick on someone else you asshole.",Lain laughs throwing himself onto the boy so he would go under. Toko reached the surface gasping for air as his red spiky hair was soaked covering his face,"Dude you could have killed me!!!"

Naito cracks a smile sitting on the land just watching the two, she didn't seem up for a dip. The boys noticed it, but kept to themselves.
"Dude have you heard?",toko whispers to lain making him interested.
"People are saying Naito is going out with older men for money."

Slapping his hand over his friend's mouth toko growls,"Quiet, I don't want her to get mad at us."The two look back at Naito who seemed to not have heard the yelling.
"What do you mean she's going out with other guys?",Lain moves Toko's hand from his mouth so he could talk.
"Remember my father works for the leader of the Yang gang. I caught some talk about Naito being seen with the Sain gang like she was dating one of them."

Why would she be going out with adults...Well she is 17 about to turn 18... Whatever it was lain didn't like it at all, It must have been the reason why she was acting strange. Lain looked to see Naito was now staring at the two as if she was listening.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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