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Lain's clothes pressed into him from sweat caused by the summer's heat,"So glad it's a weekend, but I still have practice..." Lain belonged to a Chorus club with classmates that met up on some weekends, like today. The trees provided shade down the street he takes when going to school, but stopped a half mile out. Making it to the half mile mark lain feels someone behind him.

A cool wind blows as he was too slow to react to the body that tackled him, laughter spilling from the body's mouth. Landing on his side lain's head smashes onto the street pain running through him. He brings his legs up and pushes the body off of him as he gets to his feet, "What the fuck Toko!!!!" A girl stands beside the tree watching Lain and toko, Toko gets up and throws an arm around lain's neck.

"Ugh get off me man!", Lain yells trying to push Toko away. Toko smiles and holds Lain in a choke hold laughing his ass off,"Aw did I scare the bad boy?" The girl laughs still watching them,"Toko stop it, we're gonna be late." Letting go of Lain Toko pouts,"but...." Lain coughs looking up at the girl,"Thanks Naito..."

Naito's face reddens as she turns away,"Y-Your welcome..." Lain looks at Naito, they have all been childhood friends since they could remember. Is it him or is naito acting weird? He brushes it off and starts walking,"If we hurry we can make it on time." Naito hurries and walks beside him her height a few inches shorter then his. "Hey! wait for me!",Toko shouts running after them kicking up dirt behind him.


Even the building was hotter as the outside for the practice room's AC had overheated and broke. "When can we get it fixed?", Sensei asked into the phone Lain thought as to be the board,"It's only gonna get hotter and my students will die of heat stroke! Hello,hello?????" Lain and his friends sit in they're seats in front, but near the windows. Sensei curses as he closes his phone and lays it on his desk before messaging his temple slowly.

Slipping a awkward smile across his face he laughs lightly,"Alright students the board is probably mad at me right now, so guess we have to sweat." A grown ripples from the classroom's students making Sensei loosen up his tie more sweat forming on his face. "Alright be quiet, time to take role.",he says before his voice slowly drowns out of Lain's ears. Lain's eyes scans the outside as a small faint wind blew around him cooling him down a bit. A steady thump rings through his ears to replace the sensei's words like a heart beat.

This thump didn't match his and drew a unsteady beat, he moves his head around seeing if anyone was making the sound. No, everyone was still only opening they're mouths to respond to they're names. All this made him confused, but again he just brushed it off listening to it. Bum,bum,bump. Bum,bump,bump. Bum, bump. It sang out to his ears just like that doing it over and over,again and again.

After a bit Lain feels a hand touching his shoulder making him turn to see who it was, Naito? She points to the front of the class to where Sensei was waiting for him.
"Are you here, or are you not Lain?",Sensei asked tapping a pen against the clipboard he was holding.

"Oh um here, Sorry.",Lain coughs out not caring if people laughed at him. Some did shuffle out a few laughs, but stopped as Sensei shot them looks for they were interrupting his class. Lain draws his attention back to the outside where the thumping entered his head again, singing and calling him. He blinks and shakes his head as it starts to hurt from listening to it. Laying his head lightly on the cool desk he exhaled waiting for the club to start.

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