Chapter 2

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I'm back once again with another chapter! Hope you guys enjoy! Don't forget to comment what you think about this story and whether or not you like it.



ZhenNi's POV:

I still went home in the end and put on more presentable clothes like a white long sleeve shirt and navy blue skirt. I hurried towards the restaurant. As I walked into the restaurant, a man came up to me. I stopped him right before he began speaking.

"I know where the room is. You can get back to work now. Thank you."

I navigated my way through the restaurant easily as I approached the room walking in.

"BaBa, GeGe, I'm here. Sorry for making you guys wait."

I scanned the room to see who was around. There was this man and lady sitting across from my father and brother. Sitting with them was a young teen around my age. As his eyes came up to meet mine, I immediately widened my eyes. It was that jerk from the airport. He stood up and pointed his finger at me while I pointed back.

"IT'S YOU?!" we both said at the same time.

He looked at me with a disbelieved look in his eyes.

"Jenny, put your finger down. It's disrespectful," my brother, DanNi, said to me in English. I slowly put my finger down. Before I could protest, my brother said to me in Chinese, "He is Lei JunZhuo."


I looked at the teen who was in front of me straight in his eyes. Those dark brown eyes. It really was him. I clenched my hands into fists and looked up at my brother.

"Lei JunZhuo? GeGe, who's that? Am I suppose to know him? He bumped into me today at the airport."


"Yea, he 'accidentally' bumped into me."


JunZhuo looked at me once again with disbelief in his eyes. I thought I saw a flicker of sadness in his eyes, but it was gone in a split of second. I sat quietly in my seat, which to my discomfort, was next to him.

The lady that was sitting next to him spoke up, "ZhenNi, I'm your Qiao AYi. It's okay if you don't remember me. You both must be curious to why we are here today," she took a deep breath before continuing, "You guys are getting married."

I froze on my seat while the young man beside me stood up.

"No way am I gonna get married to her! Ma, Ba, I'm only 17. I don't want to be bounded."

I felt GeGe's hand reach for my hand. He looked at me with a worried look on his face.

'No way, I'm getting married to HIM.'

JunZhuo's POV:

My mom pulled me out of the room before I could make a big commotion.

"JunZhuo, I understand that you have your misunderstandings with her. But this was arranged a long time ago."

"Was it even before ShaQing's arrangement with me?"

She sighed, "Your father and I were going to call it off if you and ShaQing were going to be together. But you guys broke up all of a sudden. Just try and accept ZhenNi. You guys played well together when you guys were younger. Why can't you guys do it now?"

"Ma, it's just that...Never mind. Fine, I'll marry her. I'm doing this for you and Ba. I'll just try it for one year. One year. If nothing happens, then I have the right to divorce her."

"But there is an agreement you have to make with me for me to agree with you. No sleeping in separate rooms or beds once you guys are married."


"If you don't agree, then I'm not gonna agree with-"

"Fine. I'll agree."

She ruffled my hair and hugged me.

"That's my good boy. Let's go back inside. Maybe after this lunch, you and ZhenNi could have a little couple time together."

We went back inside. I noticed that ZhenNi had a bit of tears in her eyes. I pulled out my handkerchief and handed it over to her.


"Xie xie*," she said as she took the handkerchief from my hand, "I'll return it to you once I wash it."

I looked at the teenage girl in front of me. She did grow up over the span of six years. Her hair was longer than before. She grew taller, but not as tall as me though. But her personality changed a lot. She used to be cheery and bubbly. All she is now is quiet and cold. The food was served and began eating.

My dad said, "So we'll schedule the wedding for Saturday."

I stopped halfway through eating. I noticed that ZhenNi was about to spit out her mouthful of water at the announcement. Saturday was in two days?! How were they even going to be able to?

"We have everything all planned. The last thing to do was to tell you guys," Ma said.

'I can't believe it. I'm getting married to the last girl that I thought I would ever get married to in two days.'  




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