"Robbie you bitch!" I yell. He gets out of the water and laughs, going into the tent and bringing out a towel. I got up on the rocks and Robbie wrapped the towel around me. And it didn't help that the sunset wind was blowing.

"Payback." He whispered.

"Just wait until Jerome hears about what you did."

"You can't hide behind him forever."

"Who says I can't?"

"Me. Robbie Kay. Actor, singer, song writer and Lost King of Luna on Neverland." He beams.

"Just don't get to cocky." I roll my eyes. We get into bed and wake up the next morning, packing up and riding back home and we unpack at the stables.

"Do you think that the horses will be ok?" I ask, grooming Chestnut's mane.

"I've already told you, Newt, Simon and Anna will check in and feed them." Robbie comes over to my stall, resting against the door frame.

"You know I don't trust Simon."

"Don't worry. Everything will be ok."

"Robbie!" Someone calls. I hug Chestnut one last time as Robbie and I lock Chestnut's stall and locked the stables before flying up to our room where Tommy was.

"Yes?" Robbie asked.

"Jerome's about to leave."

"Ok, is everyone ready?"


"You guys go ahead. I need to grab a book or 2." I smile.

"Oh, Jerome already packed your stuff." Tommy says.

"Then what are we waiting for." I smile. We walk downstairs and into the car. Robbie and I were in the front, Cassie and the twins in the back, Parker, Tommy and Issabella in the very back, Henry and Lilly would ride with Regina and Jerome would ride with his dad.

Robbie starts the car and starts to drive. We probably had 5 minutes of silence.

"Asa, give the snacks back." Isaac says.

"No. You'll eat them all." Isaac snaps.

"No I won't."

"Yes you will."

"Mom." Both boys say. Robbie quietly chuckles as we follow Jerome's car.

"I can call your dad right now and we can turn back." I say.

"Or do we want to go on vacation and enjoy it?" I smirk.

"Enjoy the vacation." The twins sigh.

"Good. And you thought the twins would win." I mock.

"Shut up." Robbie growled. I got a call and pick my phone up and answer it.

"Hey Jerome." I smile.

"Can you wait?"

"No. Hold on. Boys!" I yell. The twins go quiet and I put the phone back to my ear.

"Are you sure you don't want the boys. Robbie won't go mad that way." I chuckled.

"You sound like you're doing good with them."

"Aaaannnddd, we're done." Robbie ends the call, taking my phone.

"Hey!" I whine.

"No more phone for the rest of the car ride."

"That's not fair." I pout.

"My car, my rules."

"My boyfriend, your death wish." I growl.

"You have your books." Robbie scoffs.

"No I don't. Jerome has them in his car." I say. Robbie just stays silent. I wrap my wings around me.

"Wake me up when we get there."

"Luna." Someone calls. I groan.

"Luna, we're here." I open my eyes and yawn, looking at Jerome.

"Come on sleepy head." He chuckled. I get out of the car and take my suitcase from him, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. We walk to the big mansion in front of us, Cassie and the twins rushing in as Harley welcomes them.

"Wow Jerome. You lived here growing up?" I look at the house.

"Yeah. This is where Jane raised me and my brother until my parents took it back."

"So it always belonged to you?"

"Yep." We walk inside and look around. Straight ahead from the door was a staircase with fancy rugs everywhere. A few couches were placed and I felt like I was living in a castle.

"Come on. You need to see the bedroom." Jerome chuckled. Jerome leads us to our bedroom and it was mostly empty. A grand king size bed layed on the left side of the room with a couch next to it and 2 nightstands.

The curtans blew freely in the wind and another room connected to ours had a couch and a big TV on the wall.

"Ok, am I dreaming or is this actually where Jerome lived?" Robbie scoffs.

"Get back here." I smirk, running after him. He quickly runs out of the room and I chase him around the house until I'm held back.

"Ok, Luna, why are you chasing Robbie? Robbie, what did you do that angered Luna?" Jerome asked.

"She pushed me in the river." Robbie snaps.

"He almost told you something that I don't want you to know!" I yell.

"Both of you calm down." Jerome let go of me.

"Now Robbie, say sorry."

"What!" Robbie yells. Jerome glares at him.

"Sorry Luna."

"Luna. Don't kill Robbie."

"Oh so I have to give her an apology but all Luna gets is a warning. Yes, cause that's fair." Robbie scoffs.

"News flash, life ain't fair!" I snap.

"Come on, let's get dinner ready." Jacob says. He starts down the hall, and I follow without a single word.

His little devil. The third book His Love. A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) Fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now