When I got home, I did a minimum amount of homework, taking a 'well-earned' break about every 10 minutes. After giving up on US History, I went for a run to clear my head. My mom hates me running alone in our neighborhood. She thinks I'll get raped around every corner. But I need to clear my head of all thoughts, and running seemed to be the only way to do it. After clearing the neighborhood, I went back home to take a shower and get ready. I kept telling myself that I don't have to look good or anything. It's not like Julian will be there anyways. I don't think... Just to be safe, I put a bit of mascara and eye liner on, not to mention brushing my teeth 3 times. As far as dress, I couldn't care less. Leggings and a t-shirt would have to cut it. Within 5 minutes, I was out the door.

I knocked on their door with apprehension. Mrs. Gates opened it, looking exactly opposite of how she looked before. She was very quiet and looked frail. She had no makeup on, just puffy eyes. She was wearing an old t-shirt and loose jeans, a bit different than last time, when she seemed to have attempted a nice look. I had a feeling she wasn't going to somewhere nice this time.

"I want him in bed by 9:00," she said hoarsely, skipping the greeting.

"Got it," I said, while taking my bag to the counter.

"And don't expect Julian here tonight," she added, walking out the door. I didn't respond, trying to figure out what she meant when she said that. Did she think I was expecting him? I mean, not that I wasn't, or was, or-never mind. I'm very indecisive.

Greg walked out of his room with an Iron Man action figure and no shirt (I'm telling you, this generation is reckless). Maybe that's just a child thing, I don't know. I sure hope my children wear clothes.

"Hola!" He chirped, in the most American accent he could've managed.

"¿Cómo está?" I replied.

"Yeah. I don't know what you just said. So are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" I asked.

"We're having a Call of Duty Tournament, on a different map," he emphasized.

"Just the two of us?" I asked. Greg ran to the window and watched his mom pull out of the driveway. Once she drove out he ran back and pulled me to his room.

"You can come out now!" he said. And from the closet sprouted a hiding Julian, with his tilted SnapBack and tank top.

"Hola," he said smoothly. He had a black eye, which, I wanted to mention, but he probably already knew.

"I'm guessing that's as much as you speak, too," I responded with a smile. I unknowingly triggered that grin of his, not that it's a bad thing, of course. "So can I ask why you're mother had to assure me of your lack of presence."

"Why do you speak so fancy?" He asked.

"Answer the question," I replied with crossed arms.

"She kicked me out for the day, and night, and probably tomorrow..." he answered, looking down.

"What? Why?"

"We had a huge fight last night and we both said some things that I don't necessarily regret and yeah," he said without content.

"Let's start the tournament!" Greg yelled, jumping onto the couch. I looked at Julian, catching his eye, then began to walk towards the couch.

"So, can I ask why you decided to run from me today at school?" He whispered.

"I thought I saw a bear, but I guess I was wrong," I replied with a straight face.

"Am I really that hairy?" He said with a questioning tone, breaking my straight face. We resumed our same positions on the couch. Greg explained a number of confusing rules to us, but I decided I'd have my own mission: kill everyone I see. Sadly, Greg used his head and decided other maps would make his life easier. Bad for him, I knew at least one good spot on each map he chose.

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