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"Why did you touch her?!"

I looked down at the floor, too scare to look at Min's parents.

"Why did you hit her?!"

I didn't even touch her. I'm too afraid to even defend myself. I've been so out of it lately.

"I-I didn't-"

"Dad, it's okay, the bruises will go away", Min said.

"No it's not okay!!"

I looked at Min's fake bruises. Why does she have to do this to me? I didn't do anything to her.

Why does she even hate me?

"Look at me Taehyung"

I looked up at her father nervously. I was soon slapped harshly on my cheek. I was shock by the action.

I've always respected her parents and this is how I get treated back? Min is the one who doesn't respect them at all.

"Get out, I don't want you here anymore, no matter what happens to you, I wouldn't care"

My heart sank by those words.

I sat down in front of a building I don't even know. It's already getting dark.

I don't have money or anything. I haven't eaten all day.

I thought I finally found a home for myself, no matter how much shit Min did to me, all I cared about was having a roof over my head and a bed.

I'm too old to go back to the orphanage. I have nowhere to go now. My worse fear was living on the streets.

I wish this was a dream. I hope I wake up in a nice room and a kitchen full of tasty foods. I want to be greeted by a family with smiles.

I hugged my bag closer to me, trying to feel any warmth.

Why do I have to live like this? What did I do to deserve this kind of life?

Why did my mom and dad leave me alone? How come I have to be alone?..it's scary being alone.


I didn't even sleep at all. The coldness kept me awake. But for right now, I'm really hungry.

I walked by many restaurants. I always swallow my spit every time I see people eating in front of me.

I wish I had two dollars to just buy a cookie or something. I don't want to beg for money, but that's probably my only option.


I turned to the voice.

"You hungry right?", the man said.

I hesitated, but soon nodded. He chuckled and put his arm around me.

"Come with me then"

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