Chapter 1

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This is my first time writing a story. I hope you guys like it!



Two people connected by the red string of fate are destined lovers, regardless of time, place, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break.

ZhenNi's POV:

"Hello, Gege*. I just got my suitcases," I said rolling my two suitcases towards the exit while talking on my phone in perfect English.

"Why did Baba** want me to come in from LA so fast to New York City? I wasn't even able to properly say goodbye to my friends...Yes, I have my documents with me...No, I don't want a big surprise because I wanna drop my things off at home...Fine, I'll go directly to the restaurant....I'm coming right now....Bye..."

I hung up, putting my phone into the pocket of my oversized black hoodie. I wasn't dressed up enough to be in front of people since I was in jeans and my messy, wavy hair was down. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Deng ZhenNi, otherwise known by my English name Jenny. I immigrated to the United States at the end of sixth grade.

'I wonder what surprise GeGe was talking about.'

As I was deep in thought, someone bumped into me really hard. The next thing I know, my face was against the cold hard floor. I turned around with rage in my bright hazel eyes about to burst, meeting the dark brown eyes of a guy my age.

"Dui bu qi*** I'm in rush. I didn't mean to knock you over."

He offered his hand out to me, but I ignored it, standing up on my own. I patted my hands.

"Me shi er**** Just watch where you are going next time," I answered back in Chinese. My voice probably sounded irritated because the boy started to yell at me.

"Hey, I'm just trying to be nice. What's with your attitude?!"

"If you didn't bump into me, would I have an attitude? It's because of you bumping into me, my good mood became ruined."

I pointed my finger at his face.

"I can be whatever I want to be towards anyone because that is me. Just because you offered to help me up doesn't mean that I have to accept it."

I gathered my suitcases from the floor and walked out of the airport.

JunZhuo's POV

'Shen jing bing*****. I hope that I don't have to cross roads with her again.'

I straightened myself up before walking out of the airport. As I walked out, my phone began ringing.

"Wei, Ma******. I just got out of the airport. Yea, can you send me the address of the restaurant? I'll come right away."

I put my hand out and caught myself a taxi.

"Where to, sir?"

I showed him the address that my mom sent me. He began to drive off. I stared out the window as we passed the big skyscrapers and buildings of the busy New York City. After 15 minutes, the taxi cab pulled up to the restaurant.

"We are here sir."

I gave him the money and said a thanks as I got out of the cab. I walked into the restaurant when a man came up to me speaking in Chinese.

"Lei ShaoYe*******, please follow me to the room."

I nodded and followed him. The restaurant was big as there were many rooms and stairs to walk on. Finally, we reached the room. He motioned for me to walk in. I opened the door and noticed my dad, mom, and two other people sitting at a round table. I recognized the two people immediately.

"Ma, Ba, Deng ShuShu********, DanNi Gege," I nodded as I addressed each of them. I noticed that there was one person missing as I looked around the room.

'Is she gonna join us for this lunch?'

I silently walked to my seat and sat down when DanNi started talking.

"ZhenNi texted me saying that she is gonna come soon. She wanted to put her suitcases at home even though I told her not to," DanNi looked over towards me, "As I was explaining to Lei ShuShu and Qiao AYi*********, ZhenNi experienced a crash six years ago when we first arrived here. In that crash, she lost her memories."

My eyes widened when I heard the news.

"She lost all her memories?"

"Yeah, she lost all her memories. But after a while, some memories of my father, my mother, and I came back to her. The memories of you guys are all gone though. The doctor told us that this is called selective amnesia. She probably wanted to forget something and that is why at the crash, the shock gave her the chance."


I was suppose to be happy that she forgot about me, but I don't know what this wrenching feeling in my heart is. At the moment, the door opened.

"BaBa, GeGe, I'm here. Sorry for making you guys wait."

I turned to look at the person who arrived and I stood up pointing me finger at her. She pointed her finger back at me.

"IT'S YOU?!" we both said at the same time.



*big brother



****It's okay

*****Crazy person


*******Young Master Lei

********Uncle Deng

*********Auntie Qiao

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