chapter 3: hope

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Then it happened, something I didn't expect... hope. And it came in the form of a knock. *knock, knock* "Kosea,  are you ok?" but she didn't stop there, and I'll never forget these words even though I don't think I was supposed to hear them... "what am I saying?.. of course you're not ok, the person you admire most just passed.. I know I'd be the same way if it were.." then she stopped, and about two minutes later I heard her sniffle.. then like only Tsubaki can do, she kicked the door open and said, mad as ever, "YOU DUMBASS, WE'VE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!!! BUT YOU WONT ANSWER WHEN I KNOCK?!?!" then she grabbed me and practically dragged me down the hallway.

When we got to the living room I was greeted by Ryota, who got up off the couch and stepped towards me. He shook my hand and said, "long time no see Kosea. where you been, under a rock?" it took everything in me not to punch him right in his smug face. he was the reason I felt this way, he was the reason I fell in love with her, he was never there for her, so I had to cover for him...

your lie in April: aftermathWhere stories live. Discover now