Chapter 1 - Misha 🌙

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A gasp left me as I woke up. Rolling my body over, I began coughing. My lungs felt as dry as the desert. My throat felt as parched as an afternoon Sunday where the sun was at its highest. My fingers dug into the wet, earthy ground as I fight for air to come back into my lungs.

When I finally gained my breathing, I searched my surrounding. Nothing looked familiar. No sights of anything living and breathing except me.

Where was I?

Who was I?

I pushed myself off the ground and stumbled onto my feet. My eyes continued to search my surroundings.  Panic and fear ran straight to me and my guts churned as if I have been starved for weeks.

I had no clue what to do. The only thought that ran through my head was I needed to get somewhere safe. The sound of branches breaking was what kickstarted me into a run.

I ran like my life depended on it. Something told me it did. I needed to leave this place as soon as possible.

"Hey Laurel! Earth to Laurel!"

I snapped out of my thinking and scrubbing of the pan in front of me to see Donna giving me a glare.

"Sorry. I got distracted." I mumbled.

"Yeah. Yeah. I have been calling you for ten minutes, woman. You better pull your act together. We ain't got time for that kind of shit today." Donna waved her hand in the air.

She was a much older woman and very grouchy but the old lady was nice to me. She acts all tough on the outside but all she really was soft on the inside.

"Why? What is so different about today?" I muttered as I ran the scrubbed pan under the faucet.

"Woman, the most important person will be arriving today. He will be the one deciding if you will either live or die." She growled with irritation. I laughed and turned to give her a good retort only to see her grim face. The old lady wasn't kidding.

"Yeah? Then who is he? The President?" I asked sarcastically.

"Honey, not even the President can save you." She took out the bread she was baking out of the oven and sat it on the counter to cool off.

"That important huh? Should I do something? Like bow or curtsy?" I asked.

She laughed so hard. "Honey, he ain't the king either."

I rolled my eyes at her before finishing off the dishes. I found this little town after running all night a year ago. Luckily, the town was a sweet little town that welcomed strangers like me. They took me in and gave me a job at the mansion. My work title was an Omega. Basically, I did all the cleaning and cooking. I worked from Monday through Thursday and have Friday to Sunday off. The only downfall was my shift was a 12 hour shift.

I have only met the boss a handful of times. He was an elderly man around his sixties. He doesn't talk much and ignore us unless he needs something done.

"Who is this important person then?" I asked, my interest was piqued.

Donna placed the dishes on the counter. She had chosen a particularly elegant dish that she was going to set for tonight's dinner down before turning to me, "Honestly, child, I would have thought you knew by now. The gossips that is louder than a Sunday bell at Church."

"I pay no heed to the gossip that goes around me.  I have better things to do." I remarked and helped her pick up the plates to set the table.

She sighed, "He is the Alpha's son."

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