Friends Vs. Foes

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11:40 am

Three mutant turtles versus four red-eyed mutant turtles, four animals versus four red-eyed animals while one turtle dangles from a tree. This is just pure nonsense.

On the final day as animals, the quads are getting a taste of what it's like to be hated by someone evil. They deserve to get back what they once had because they have learned what they have done.

At first, Leonardo wasn't sure about fighting himself but he told his mind numerous times that it was fake. This turtle and a blue mask with the same appearance as him is not real. So the first move he does as an introduction to the fight is a single swipe from a katana. He missed.

Foe-Leo growled, striking a firm hit to Leo's torso. The real leader exclaimed in pain, trying to endure the pressure. These guys are a lot tougher then they look.

Foe-turtles and foe-animals are coming face-to-face with the real ones except for Raphael.

Bear to bear, wolf to wolf, tiger to tiger, and cheetah to cheetah. Sometimes it was hard to tell who is who because everything was going on so quickly. Sometimes Hawk would accidentally attack the real Mikey or the real Donnie will accidentally touch Kri.

The foes believe that if the white tiger was distracted then they could attack Raphael and the trap. It obviously didn't work because she was too smart.

Raphael exclaimed in worry and fright as two foe brothers and two foe animals approached the net. There is no way to go and nothing that he could do to get away from them unless he was free from the trap. A grizzly bear and a king cheetah try to bring down the net as a tall turtle and muscular turtle try to help them out as they possess the color of red in their eyes.

Kri got out of the fight with foe-Mikey. She sprinted to the evil that was surrounding her best friend. The tiger had to tell herself many times that it wasn't real. This emerald-eyed tiger immediately clawed the limbs and bit everything she could get her mouth on to stop Nizhoni's games. Whenever the bad cried out, they had the same exact voices which nearly made her stop attacking. She didn't.

She had brought down foe-Donnie and Raph, now she needs to take away the bear and cheetah wounding Raph in the trap. What she got next was very unexpected at this time. She saw a red light form on her chest and Raphael's. They were both getting the same pain as the other three did when their souls are being tied together. The real Leonardo noticed it was their time to connect and he needed to defeat foe-Griz and Shado.

Donnie and Mikey fought off the foes with the real animals as their older brother covered Kri and Raph. "Don't fight back, let the connection do what it needs!" He said pulling off foe-Griz. and Shado.

Whimpers, roaring, and a cry of an eagle stopping everything in place. Everything is finally coming in line now. Lights flashed, yells quiet, and then everything stopped. Raphael was free from the net, the other four animals are panting and so are the mutant brothers. The foes are gone.

12:02 pm

Hawk licks her paws to soothe the pain, Shado shook her head, and Leo put away his katanas. Donnie and Mikey put away their weapons too.

Raph stands up from the ground. "What happened?"

"It looks like Running River watched our souls tie up. He came to save us." Kri replied. "It sort of hurt."

Mikey grinned at the thought he brought to his head. "Hey, all of us are tied together."

"Yeah, but my shoulder hurts. Those clones of us were pretty strong." Donnie said rubbing the sore area.

"Ow!" Griz groaned. "Stop, Donnie."

"What am I doing?" He continues to massage his shoulder and Griz was about to roar with vicious tone.

"You're hurting me." She winced.

Leo tilted his head, curious about this new thing that has come up. He walked up to his little brother in a pair of glasses and sees he has an open gash bleeding out. He thought it was weird that the bear could feel it too when she had nothing on her thick coat of fur. Not even a bruise.

He thought for a second. "I think this is the next step in Soulbound."

"What do you mean?" Raph questioned.

Leo answers. "I think once we're all connected to our partners we start to feel everything whatever the other feels."

The big wolf nudged him, feeling his warmth and also comforting him from his injuries. "What is the final step?"

"Get to the top of the tallest mountain..." Leonardo pointed to the first one he sees in the distance. "That's where transformation will take place. We gotta get moving now before its too late."

12:15 pm

And that's what had to happen. Reaching the tallest mountain before midnight and they had exactly twelve hours to get there. The four mutant brothers didn't know that they would be symptoms on the way for the quads.

All eight of them travel on foot. Walking trails to get farther away from the campsite. The sun was blazing in the sky, there was a warm breeze, sweat running down their faces, it seems like that mountain was getting farther and farther away when they took a step closer to it.

They lose the mountain in the trees, the clouds, and sometimes they don't even look at it because they don't want to remind themselves and how far it is.

Leo thought that they didn't have time to take rest stops. Traveling this far to a mountain and then having to reach all the way to the top could take the entire day. All of them were so bored that all began to sing a few songs to pass time. But the mountain just got farther... And farther... Away

Soulbound (TMNT '16) ❪✓❫ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें