This World is Temporary

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"-Remind, for indeed the reminder benefits the believer." - (Dhariyat 51:55)

The problem with people today

We walk the earth as though it will never end

Endlessly we indulge in our whims

knowingly or unknowingly indulging in sin

Following our desires like slaves

Not thinking about or preparing for our graves

Choosing what only lasts for a moment 

Over what will last for eternity if you earn it

In the end, all that you will be left with is regret

For every soul is guaranteed death

What are you doing with your time?

While alive?

All we will be left with is our deeds

Remember this world is only temporary

When we go on diets, we give up things we like such as sweets and sugar, all to lose weight, to get that body you desire, the body that's more appealing than sweets. Sweets that taste good, but are not good for the body. What is better? or What will pay off? Eating that unhealthy thing you crave for the moment or  giving it up for the sake of that body? Of course you might have days where you cheat, but you pick yourself back up, and get back on track. All for that body, and when you reach that goal, you rejoice, happy that all your work paid off. Apply this analogy to the lifestyle of the Muslim. Like the goal of the body, the Muslim's goal is paradise/to please God. This world can be compared to the sweets. It "tastes" good but in reality it's bad for the body, or in this case, the soul. We as humans "cheat" or go off our path from time to time, but we pick ourselves back up. And in the end, if we make it to paradise, we'll rejoice, happy that all our work paid off. Because no matter how appealing it was, it wasn't good for us, and we went for the thing more lasting. That body you desire. Paradise that the Muslims desire. Etc. 

The Prophet said: "A space the size of a whip in Paradise is better than this world and all that is in it." -[Sahih Al-Bukhari]

The prophet said "The life of this world compared to the hereafter is as if one of you were to put his finger in the ocean and take it out again then compare the water that remains on his finger to the water that remains in the ocean" -[Sahih Muslim 2858].

Ibn Umar said: The Messenger of Allah took me by the shoulder and said: "Be in this world as though you were a stranger or a traveler/wayfarer."

"Let not then this present life deceive you." 

"The mutual rivalry (for piling up of worldly things) diverts you, Until you visit the graves (i.e. till you die)" -Takathur [103:1-2] "Nay! If you knew with a sure knowledge (the end result of piling up, you would not have been occupied yourselves in worldly things)" - Takathur [102: 5].

"Those are they who have bought the life of this world at the price of the hereafter." -Baqarah [2:86].

"Nay, you prefer the life of this world; Although the hereafter is better and more lasting. Verily! This is in the former Scriptures, The Scriptures of Ibrahim (Abraham) and Moosa (Moses)." - A'ala [87:16 -19].

Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. -Imran [3:185]

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