Don't Kill Time Take Advantage of it

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"-Remind, for indeed the reminder benefits the believer." - (Dhariyat 51:55)

There are 3 characteristics of time that need to be acknowledged:

1. Time passes quickly.
2. Time that passes can never return, nor can it be compensated for, for time is irretrievable.
3. Time is the most precious thing that man possesses.

Time is precious, time is valuable and the time we waste can never ever be gained back

We are clandestine hourglasses with falling grains of sand

Fear God, and benefit as much as you can

Death may be closer than you think

Time escapes us as swiftly as spilled ink

Don't kill time by doing something useless, instead use that time to do something beneficial:

Study something

Learn a surah (A chapter of the Quran)

Learn a hadith

Memorize a du'aa

Do a good deed

Teach your family something

Repent to God

Make amends with whoever you need

Spend time with your family

And whatever productive thing that comes to mind

Bin 'Abbas narrated that Prophet Muhammad said: "There are two blessings which many people lose: (They are) health and free time for doing good." -Bukhari 8/421

Spend the time you're given wisely, who knows how long you have

God swears by time which indicates that time is of utmost importance. "By time, indeed, mankind is in loss." Asr (103:1-2)

The Prophet said: "Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become preoccupied, and your life, before your death." -Musnad Imam Ahmad

The Prophet said: "The feet of a servant will not touch the ground until he asked about his life and how he spent it; his knowledge and how he acted upon it; his wealth and how he acquired it and spent it and his body and how it was used." -Tirmidhi

Come up with a plan on how to beneficially spend your time but don't go to the extremes

Moderation is key

The Prophet Muhammad pronounced a firm warning: "Never be extreme regarding religion. Many nations have been destroyed before you only because of extremism in religion." -Nisaai, Ibn Majah

"Religion is easy; whoever overburdens himself in religion will be overpowered by it (i.e. he will not be able to continue in that way.) So pursue what is good moderately; try to be near to perfection (if you cannot attain it); and receive the good tidings (that you will be rewarded). Gain strength by worshiping in the mornings, the afternoons, and some part of the last hours of the nights." (Al-Bukhari)

Hadith of the Prophet, quoting from the Book of Ibrahim: "A sane person, unless he is mindless, should have four hours: an hour to invoke to his Lord, an hour to count his own deeds, an hour to contemplate about the creation of Allah and an hour to satisfy his worldly needs."

And 20 more hours are left to you

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