"Hey boy, miss me?" I hear Robbie ask. I smile and go over to Robbie's stable, giving him Shadow's saddle. Robbie gears his horse up and gets on, trotting out of the stables. I load and get on my horse, following him out of the stables.

We run to the forest where we slow down and let the horses walk.

"You know, I realized something about you."

"Oh, what is it?" I ask.

"Everone we know would rather stay in the town. But you. I saw something that Pan brought out in you that no one could bring out in you."

"And what is that?"

"You'd rather live where you need to survive."

"Like Pan and the Lost Boys?"


"Ha. Yeah. I'd rather die then live with Pan."

"I never said you'd live with Pan. I said live like Pan. There's a difference."

"I don't see one." I smile.

"You're Luna. Of course you would say that."

"You've known me for how long and you still don't know that I would live like Pan? Wow." I say. We walk the horses in silence after that.

"See. There you go again."

"What do you mean besides ruining the silence?" I snap.

"That. Always listening to the forest."

"What. It's pretty." I smile.

"Maybe I should tell Pan that you want to live with him. And sleep with him." Robbie smirks. I pull on Chestnut's mane, causing her to suddenly stop.

Robbie pulls on Shadow's reins, making him stop.

"I don't love Pan." I snap.

"Don't lie. You know I can tell when your lieing."

"If you tell Jerome, or anyone about my crush, I will rip you to shreds, burn the peices and dispose of your ashes in the river." I say as calmly as I can.


"Am I lieing?" I smirk. Robbie doesn't talk.

"How about the river?" Robbie suggested.

"Sure." I sigh. We get to the river and get off, getting the supplies and setting up camp. Robbie tied up his horse and my horse stayed next to Robbie's.

I turn into my wolf form and go hunt for dinner, eating and walking back to camp, Robbie cooked his dinner as I stay in the tent, watching the water flow freely.

"Luna, are you ok?" Robbie asked.

"I'm fine." I sigh.

"Neverland will change you." Robbie chuckled.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"You're thinking about Pan, aren't you?"

"What's it to you?" I snap. Robbie looked at me.


"It's fine. I understand." Jerome comes out of the forest.

"Guess who just got us a trip to Gotham?"

"You?" I pick my head up and smile.

"No. My dad." Jerome scoffs. I lay my head back down.

"Of course. Because you're Jerome. You won't do shit." Robbie smiles.

"So when are we going? And aren't your parents wanted in Gotham?" I ask.

"We leave tomorrow and they are wanted. But my mom is in Gotham now trying to make it a safe trip, especially for Cassie and the twins."

"Yes. Why are we going to a city where crimes are everywhere?" Robbie smiled.

"Why do you always ask so many questions?" Jerome snapped. I stand up and run in front of Jerome, protecting him.

"Easy girl. Just trying to make a point." Robbie chuckled.

"You better be telling the truth." I growl, going back into the tent.

"How is she?" Jerome asked.

"Different. Do you think Neverland changed her?" Robbie asked.

"It's Neverland. It'll change anyone who steps foot on it." Jerome smiles.

"Do you think Pan changed her?"

His little devil. The third book His Love. A Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) Fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now