Good Ole Days

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"Everything will be alright, Emma. You've got a bunch of police around the house and detectives on the case. I've made sure I hired the best of the best to make sure that old man and his son go to their rightful places. Prison." Jensen told me, his voice sounding convincing and trustworthy. I had just finished explaining everything a couple minutes ago and that was the first thing that came out of Jensen's mouth.

"I understand that and I get that but I still feel like us escaping wasn't the end of it." I replied, leaning back against the couch.

"Am I interuppting anything?" Someone asked softly. I looked over and saw two woman standing there, each having three children around them. I immeaditly recognized them as Jared and Jensen's wives and children.

"No no, you came at a perfect timing." Jared grinned, straightening out the beanie on his head. The two actors stood up and went to their families, turning towards Mae and I.

"Emma, Mae, I'd like you to meet my wife, Genevieve, and my children Tom, Austin, and Odette." Jared exclaimed, kissing his wife on the forehead. Odette gurgled in her mother's arms, making me smile.

Jensen was jumping up and down up a five year old on a candy high. "Em, Mae, I'd like you to meet my wife, Danneel, my eldest daughter Justice or JJ, and then the twins Arrow and Zeppelin."

I couldn't help but giggle. "It's nice to meet you all. These two have told me a lot about all of you."

Danneel glanced at Jensen, who gave her an innocent look. "All good things I hope." Genevieve said, smiling. I laughed hard, clutching my stomach as I did so.

After I pulled myself together, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and looked up to see two murderous glares sent towards me. My eyes widen and I held my hands up in surrender. "Hey, I am innocent." The two actors looked at each other before nodding. My eyes were as big as saucers by then and I knew exactly what was going to happen. With a loud squeal, I stood up on the couch and jumped off the back of it, taking off into a sprint.

The actors shouted after me, cursing and whining as they ran into things or would get lost for a spilt second. I almost ran straight Logan and the boys, who were in the backyard. I dodged them quickly before hiding behind Logan, who easily towered over my frame. I quickly tried to tame my hard breathing, not wanting to be caught.

"Have you happened to see Emma?" The voice of Jared questioned, mischief lacing his voice. From here, I could see the Why Don't We boys hiding their smirks behind fake confused looks.

"No, I don't think so. Why, has something happened?" Daniel asked hurriedly, acting perfectly with fake concern and worry in his voice.

"Nothing really, besides the fact that she laughed after Danneel said all good things I hope." Jared exclaimed. I can just imagine him rolling his eyes. I saw Zach flicker his eyes over to me for a spilt second and I hoped that the duo actors had not seen it.

Buuuttt, it seems like fate was not on my side today as Jared suddenly peered over Logan's shoulder. I squeaked and dodged Jensen's arms, running in the opposite direction. My brother, boyfriend, and the other boys all were laughing at the scene before them. And quite honestly, I can't blame them.

I ran and dodged and hid and squealed and laughed and jumped for a good two hours without either of the actors catching or finding me.

Ugh, this is gonna be a long night.


Later on within the night, all of us were hanging out in the backyard, when my phone rang. With a sigh, I snatched my phone up, accepting the call without looking at the Caller ID.


"Hey Em, how you doing?" A musuline voice asked, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Ugh, who is this?"

The voice chuckled on the other end. "It's me, Tyler, Tyler Mason. I changed my number." The man, Tyler exclaimed. And with that information, I matched a voice with a face.

"Well dang Ty, puberty sure got to you. What, we were fifteen when we last saw each other?" I questioned myself aloud, sitting down in a chair. Tyler chuckled.

"Sounds about right. Oh, and hey, do you mind opening your front door? It's really fricking cold out here and I'm freezing." My eyes widen and I nearly jumped out of the chair. Ignoring all the weird stares I was receiving, I quickly ran in the house and to the front door, pulling it open. And sure enough, the one and only Tyler Mason stood there, standing in his usual leather jacket and scuffed up jeans. I hung up the call and placed my phone down on the nearby table.

"Its nice to see you." I shyly said, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Tyler smirked, chuckling once more. Tyler pulled me into his arms and we hugged for a moment before he released me.

"Its nice to see you too. Can I come in?"

I quickly moved out of the way. "Yah yah, come on in." I exclaimed. Tyler walked in and I closed it behind him, rolling my eyes at he awed at my house.

"Nice house you got here." Tyler told me, making me smirk. I walked into the kitchen, Tyler following.

"It's Logan's place. He's got a couple friends here, my room, bedrooms for the kids, one for Mae, a merch room, and two for the band mates." I replied, snatching a water bottle out of the fridge and tossing it towards Tyler. He caught it perfecting before taking a swig out of it.

"Mae here now?" Tyler asked, making me grin.

"Right this way." I skipped outside with Tyler following. All eyes were on us and a squeal erupted from Mae. My best friend practically threw herself out of her chair and ran towards Tyler, jumping in his arms.

"It's good to see you too, Mae." Tyler laughed out, setting our overly excited friend back on the ground. Mae laughed with him.

"Gosh, it's been forever since we've seen you! We were what, fourteen? Fifteen?" Mae questioned, pondering.

"Fifteen." I confirmed. Mae nodded and shook her head in disbelief.

"I remember those days. Now those were definitely the good ole days." Mae told Tyler and I, smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't help but smile too.

"And correct you are. I remember that Mae was always the quiet and shy one and Emma always found something new to get herself in trouble with." Tyler announced, and I knew everyone heard him.

"Emma? Dangerous? Mae? Quiet? Dude, I think you've got the wrong girls." Jonah told Tyler from his spot beside Jensen and Daniel. Tyler raised an eyebrow at Jonah's words before looking down at Mae and I. Curse you for growing taller than us Tyler.

"When did you two change?" Tyler questioned, more to himself than us. Mae and I glanced at each other before we shrugged in unison.

"Things change, people change, I guess." Mae told our childhood friend, who looked at us with major disbelief.

"I don't believe you two. That's it, go get changed." Tyler shoved us towards the door leading inside. I raised an eyebrow at the man in front of me, silencing questioning him. "Go on, get changed. Wait wait wait, I'm coming with you two. You two need to be changed into your proper clothing."

My eyebrows furrowed together. "Proper clothing?" Tyler ignored me as he pulled Mae and I into the house. But just before I was inside the house, I heard Jared say something.

"This should be good."

Hello readers!!! It's been awhile, I know. As you noticed at the top, Why Don't We has come out with a new song, Trust Fund Baby, and it's my new fav song of theirs. Anyways, don't forget to...

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