Chapter 2

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Stiles pov.

While I was looking at Derek thinking he was going to kill me then and there, he just smiled and held the door for me.  I walk through the door to see Scott and the rest of the pack already there and looking at Derek and I.  "So what is this meeting about", said Lydia who wasn't paying attention back when Scott and Derek were talking about the new pack.All of a sudden it seemed like Derek's patience snapped "If you was paying attention earlier Lydia you would already know!", said Derek. "Chill dude.", said Stiles while putting his hand on Derek ' s arm. He didn't know what made him do that, all he knew was he had to calm Derek down before he killed someone. Stiles felt Derek ' s tense muscles relax when he looked up Stiles saw Derek smile at him again. By now Stiles thought it was weird for Derek ' s behavior. Stiles turned to look at Scott and Allison for some kind of clue to what was going on with Derek.  "Why don't we all sit down and start this meeting", said Issac.

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