I Love You Better Now

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Hello! This is the sequel to Forever Young with One Direction! If you haven't read that yet, I would recommend reading that first! Thank you for reading my books! You guys are the best readers! Enjoy! xxx


Nicole's POV (10 MONTHS LATER)

I was studying for my English final in the library, when my phone started to buzz in my purse. It was so quiet, that everybody could hear it. I dug through my purse, until I saw my phone at the bottom of my bag. I pressed the Talk button.

"Hello?" I whispered, as I looked around the library. Everyone was still staring at me, so with the phone wedged in between my ear and my shoulder, I quickly gathered my things and headed outside.

"Hello?" I asked again.

"Nicole?" A familiar voice asked.

"Oh, its you" I said.

"Whats with the 'tude?" he asked.

"Sorry, Lou. But when you called I was in the library and-" I started.

"..And everyone stared at you?" Zayn finished.

"Yeah!..Am I on speaker phone or something?" I asked with a laugh.

"Oui, Oui.." Harry answered.

"...With everyone?" I asked.

"Yeah,yep, aw-haw, yeah, yeah budday!" Zayn, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall answered one-by-one.

"Hello!" I said. " I miss you guys! You still haven't come down to visit me!"

"And you still haven't come down to visit us!" Everyone said in unison.

"Hey, I'm in college! I have an excuse!" I said with a laugh.

"And we're releasing our first album! " Louis said.

"What?!" I asked.

"LOUIS!" Zayn hissed.

"Oh. Sorry, boys." I heard Louis say in the background.

"YOU GUYS?" I asked.

"Well that's what we called to tell you.. " Zayn started.

"Tell me what?" I asked. There was a long pause.

"WE'RE COMING TO CALIFORNIA!" The boys said in unison.

"AHHHH!" I screamed, causing everyone outside the library to stare at me. I mouthed 'Sorry,' before turning in the direction of my dorm.

"When are you coming down?" I asked.

"Well we head to New York in a week, and we stay there for 4 days. But then we head to LA!" Niall shouted.

"I'm so excited you guys are coming down! And congratulations on releasing your album in the U.S.!"I said.

"Thank you!" everyone said in unison.

"..Does Mia know that up your coming down?" I asked.

"Not yet! But we're gonna tell her!" Niall replied.

"She's going to be so happy! But get off the phone with me, so you can tell her!" I demanded, hanging up the phone.


Mia's POV

My last volleyball practice for the year concluded and I was walking off the court, when I heard my loud ring tone go off. It was still Louis shouting, 'SUPERMAN!' I ran to my bag and quickly answered it, before bolting out of the gym.

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