Chapter Nine: Making Things Worse

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Lionel ran a tired hand through his hair, he couldn't believe that it had come to this; he’d had to call in his team-mates to help him track down Viola.

“It’ll be okay Leo… we’ll find her,” Xavi said as he squeezed the argentine’s shoulder, the Spaniards had all just returned from Euro 2012 and it was clear that they’d all rather be resting right now after their long flight back.

“Gerard and Cesc said they saw her in town with two women, but they lost them when they got into a black BMW,” Carles Puyol said as he stepped into the room with his mobile in hand, Lionel licked his lips as he tried to think about the friends that she had made the day before.

Carles looked at Xavi concerned as an angry look filled the argentine’s face, he couldn't believe that she had gone behind his back and gone to see them.

“Leo?” Carles asked concerned wondering why his friend was suddenly unhappy, they had sort of tracked Viola down and were slowly getting closer to bring her back safe.

However before Lionel could reply, his mobile start to ring making him frown as he answered it.

“Hola?” he said annoyed as he realised that it was Viola, he didn't know why she had decided to disobey him after she had promised that she wouldn’t see them again but she had.

“Hola Leo… I’ve just got your messages, I’m sorry for not answering my mobile went flat,” Viola said nervously through the phone, she could sense that he was angry and had figured out who she was with.

“You promised that you wouldn’t see them again,” Lionel said making his friends look at them, they had a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well; that Lionel would say something that would make things worse.

“I know… but I’m sick of being alone, you have your friends, I want my own,” Viola said making Lionel frown as she spoke; he hadn’t meant for her to feel like that, but he didn't want her to be close to people that could use her like her new friends would. Lionel rubbed his face tiredly,

“Viola… you know why you can’t, I don’t want people treating you like they did back in High School,” he said making the brunette fall silent; the argentine licked his lips while his brother looked at him as if he was an idiot.

“You really think that I’m that stupid? That I would trust people like that again,” Viola asked softly making Lionel still as he realised that, it wasn’t the best idea to bring up her High School problem into this. Viola took a deep breath as she attempted to calm down.

“Listen I know you don’t want to marry me… the feelings is mutual but since we don’t have a choice in the matter maybe you should get over it,” Viola snapped before she disconnected the call.


Lionel stared at the phone in his hand, he knew that he had probably made things worse; the looks that his team-mates gave him, it was clear that he had said something that he shouldn’t have.

“Leo,” Matías said softly as he approached his brother, he could see that his brother had put his foot into his mouth; Viola wasn’t going to come back if Lionel wasn’t going to put the effort in.

“I’ve made this worse, haven’t I?” Lionel asked as he looked at his friends, who stood quietly and looked away from him; the argentine groaned as he rested his head into his hands.

Matías sighed as he sat down next to his younger brother, he knew that Lionel had messed this up; the fact that the two didn't really know each other caused them a lot of problems here.

“It’ll be okay… let her calm down and then call her back tomorrow,” Matías said making Lionel sigh and nod his head, he couldn't believe that he had managed to drive Viola away so soon after she had moved here to marry him.

“What am I going to do?” Lionel asked softly, he knew that he’d have to make it up to his fiancée when she got back in contact with him; her parents had warned him about bring up what had happened to Viola in high school.

The brunette hated to think about how she had been treated back then and had grown to forget what had happened, she hated that she had been treated that way and it had hardened her in some ways.

“You’ll think of something… I mean she’s your fiancée, you love her and know everything about her,” Carles said making Lionel still while his brother shot a glare at the Spaniard; none of them knew the true reason that Lionel was marrying Viola and that he had only met her once before.

It had taken a lot of convincing to make the players that wouldn’t be a part of the secret had been told that Lionel had cheated on Viola with Antonella and she had forgiven him and agreed to marry him anyway.

Only Cesc, Gerard and their spouses knew that Lionel was arranged to marry Viola; they knew the truth about what had happened with Antonella and her break up with Lionel, so that he could marry the woman that his parents had chosen for him.


Naya offered a small smile to Viola as she handed the brunette, a glass of the red wine that she’d been saving for that Sunday’s dinner but she had a feeling that it was needed more now.

“You okay?” Heather asked as she looked at Viola, who looked at her and smiled weakly, she couldn't believe that her parents had told Lionel about what had happened in high school; it had been ten years and she couldn't believe that it was still haunting her.

“I’m okay… I can’t believe that he used the high school problem against me like that,” Viola said making the two women offer her a reassuring smile, they knew that she had been hurt by Lionel’s words; they watched as Viola sipped on the wine.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Naya asked making the brunette look at her, tears filled her eyes before she nodded her head.

“I was a freshman in high school, I’d been alone through middle school and I was trying to make new friends when Courtney Wright said that I should come to her’s for a pool party,” Viola said making her two friends nod as they watched her; they had a feeling that they knew where this was going.

“I said yes, I should have known that it wasn’t a proper offer of friendship. I went into the changing rooms that her parents had set up, I was just finishing getting changed when I noticed the camera that had filmed me,” Viola said making Naya frown as she wondered why someone would do that to the brunette.

Viola was a wonderful person and she didn't deserve to be tricked like that.

“Courtney had shown it to the people at the party on a flat screen… then it was posted round the school; I was bullied after that quite badly after that and my parents had to move me to another one when a couple of the jocks decided to try and take advantage of me,” Viola said softly as she tried to ignore the memories of what they tried to do to her; she would never forgive Courtney for putting her through hell.

Naya pursed her lips while Heather hugged Viola; it was clear that the brunette needed some decent friends in her life and now she had them no matter what Lionel Messi said.

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