Yz! where are you..

They entered the emergency room..

"Sir, you have to stay outside.." A guy nurse said and closed the door...

I sat down the floor, grabbing my hair in frustration..

"ARGH!" I yelled..

"Namjoon hyung, please be safe." I mumbled as I called the hyungs to come.

I look at the hallway to see a familiar person..


What is she doing here in this morning?



'Angela's POV'

Shit, Jungkook saw me..

I guess I have to act..

"Uh, Jungkook...what are you doing he---"

I was shook when he hugged me..

"Namjoon h-hyung...h-he.."

I just hugged him back to comfort him from crying..

"Jungkook, look at me...everything will be alright.." I assured him as tears starting to fall on my eyes..

"I have to go now...bye...I love you twinie, never forget that!" I said and pinched his cheeks before I ran away..

"I love you too twinie! forever! and don't forget that!" I heard him yelled..

I cried..

Sorry Jungkook, I have to do this..

I entered the back door of the operating room to be greeted by him.

"Are you ready?" He asked..

I sighed deeply before I answered him..

"Yes, Dr. Collins.."


'Yza's POV'

I rushed at the hospital after I recieved Jungkook's text..

I just went to the convenience store and this already happened?

As I saw Jungkook..

I became nervous..

They are all here..

"Hey, w-what is the p-problem?" I asked Louiesa..

But she just burried her face on the crook of Hoseok's head while Hoseok is looking down the floor..

"G-Guys...W-What happened.." I asked them..

But all I can hear was their sobs..

Until Jimin released his cry..

And all of them followed..

I didn't know but...I cried with them.

"H-Hey...Wh-what happened?" I weakly asked Abby who is sitting next to Jungkook..

She looked down..

"Yz.." Princess called..

I looked at her..

"T-They are gone.." She said that made me confused..

W-What? They?

"T-They?" I asked..

"A-Angela is the one who v-volunteered to re-replace Namjoon's heart b-by her....s-sadly...T-The operation...." Daniella started..

I cried...

Stay with me ||A BTS FanFic.|| (Book 2 of INYLBIF) •COMPLETED•Where stories live. Discover now