The foreboding sense of impending fear

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"Doctor Crane I've been trying to reach your cell phone for three hours,"
"I'm well aware Amelia, I figured if you needed to reach me so bad I'd find you on my way up to my office," I answered honestly as I stepped into the elevator. I watched her eyes flicker with annoyance for a moment. Amelia was one of the psychotherapists that I oversaw in Arkham. She was good at her profession and as a supervisor I was pleased with her working standards. However, I felt obliged to treat everyone in the work place as the inferior workers they were. I had been chosen as the director of Arkham for a reason. My blunt vocabulary was not appreciated by the other doctors. Oddly, the majority of the nurses and security guards didn't seem to mind at all.
"Doctor Crane,"
"Miss Amelia," I mimicked her tone of voice.
"I need permission to leave work this Friday,"
"You've been urgently trying to contact me just to leave work this Friday?" I mused "You could have just told the front office and they could handle it."
The elevator came to a stop and we walked out together, towards the direction of my office.

Amelia rolled her eyes. "No, I've been trying to call you because my brother might need to be admitted to Arkham and I was wondering if I could get you to diagnose him because it would feel terribly uncomfortable for me to do and as my supervisor I have trust in you," the words came out of her mouth as if they'd been trapped, needing oxygen. It took me a few seconds to slow them down in my head to grasp her sentence.

A part of me immediately thought 'new test subject?!' excitedly when Amelia said this. However I didn't want to make a type 1 or type 2 diagnostic error. I needed to maintain my title as 'best psychiatrist in Arkham'. So I would only test on Amelia's younger brother if he really was in need of psychiatric help.
Of course, that logic sounds very backwards for a psychiatrist.

"I'm sorry to hear that, I'll gladly interview him, thank you for coming to me," The younger woman blinked at my kindness, then smiled and thanked me before returning to the elevator to go down one floor.

Ican't wait for this monotony to end. 

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