grateful thoughts 119

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i will find myself,
i'll go on with the flow of time,
save me if i broke,
if i stepped on the wrong floor,
if i turn up fires,
if i was lost,
if i turn the tables down,
if i didn't know the answer on the questions in my life,
if i didn't following on your commands,
be cause i was only a human,
and you are a God,
maybe our world was too small,
and you are the creator of it,
i am thankful,
even the Gap in our personality was too far,
you're the one who makes me feel that i am not useless,
that i have a purpose,
that i can find myself,
even it is too illusive,
you are my God,
i am your creation,
i will follow,
i'll leave spaces,
i'll leave regrets in following you,
i must first know myself,
before judging others,
i was,
ruined before,
i was,
executed before,
but i rather think on the better effect of those parts,
i was,
yes indeed,
i experienced being discriminated,
but only god comfort me on the thorny bed sheet,
he is my great provider,
my life,
my God,

I am going to find myself,
by knowing you.
My Lord.

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