grateful thoughts 85

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saved by his grace,
loved by his heart,
cared by his presence,
stared by his merciful eyes,
throne in the heaven,
his highness degree,
the god of all,
the creator,
the lover of all of his works,
he is the god,
our beloved,
my beloved graciousness,
my one and only,
my god beyond the floors of heaven,
beneath the sand of time,
the one who brings the eternal life,
the one who brings death,
the one who have been sacrificed for the sin of the world,
this sinful world,
our home on the land,
the hell of the heaven,
the judgement floor,
where you can do whatever you want,
and the final judgement will come,
after you died,
saved the best to face the god,
show him what you did here on the earth,
be at peace,
loved each other,
because the judgement will last forever,
until the world would collapsed, 
until it tangle and tear apart,

the judgement time was the judgement time,
on time for running,
no time for second thoughts,
be nice here on the earth,
because everyday,
is your last day.

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