"Hey Tuan." Tzuyu slammed his hand on the table, startling the guy, Sana, and the other students who were in the canteen.

Mark smirked. "Oh hey, Chou." He turned to Chaeyoung who was beside Tzuyu. "Oh and I see you brought your short friend."

Chaeyoung gritted his teeth. Everyone in their campus knew that Chaeyoung doesn't like it when someone calls him 'small' or 'short'. But when they do, they'll wake up in the hospital.

Instead of charging to Mark, he cockily raised his eyebrows and smirked. "The only 'short friend' here is your friend between your legs."

The crowd laughed, including Sana while Tzuyu and Chaeyoung high fived each other. Mark glared Chaeyoung and was obviously embarassed.

Mark stood up and glared at Tzuyu. "Do you want to die?"

Tzuyu smirked. "Why? Are you gonna kill me?" He mocked. "Well if you want to, make sure you're taller than me, okay?"

Mark's blood boiled and his face became red because of anger. He raised his fist into air and was about to punch Tzuyu but Tzuyu dodged it and kicked Mark in the balls. Mark groaned in pain and fell on the floor while touching his crotch. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung laughed at Mark and made funny faces to mock him. After they were done, Tzuyu grabbed Sana's hand and dragged her away from Mark.

Before following Tzuyu, Chaeyoung looked down at Mark. "You should stay away from Sana if you want to live." He said and raised his middle finger at Mark.


"What the fuck Sana?" Tzuyu said as the three of them sat on the table where the two guys sat earlier. "Why were there earlier? You should've texted me that you were alone so Tuan won't bother you."

Sana pouted. "I was waiting for Minari since she has to pass her math homework but Mark saw me." She reasoned.

Tzuyu sighed. How can he stay mad at his girlfriend when she's being cute right now "Ugh. Stop being cute." He muttered before giving Sana a peck on her lips and earn a giggle from Sana.

And a groan from Chaeyoung.

"Uh you two should get a room." Chaeyoung rolled his eyes. "The caferteria isn't a room for couples to eat each other's faces."

Tzuyu snickered. "Says the person who makes out with someone in the janitor's room."

"Hey! At least it's not a public place." Chaeyoung retorted.

The three of them continued talking— no, making fun of Chaeyoung until someone interrupted them.

"Hey babe." A girl said and sat beside Chaeyoung.

The three of them groaned when they saw the girl beside Chaeyoung. Sana couldn't stop glaring at her.

"Go away, Jeon Somi." Chaeyoung sternly commanded and tried to remove Somi's itchy hands from his muscular arm. "We're over. Can't you understand that?"

"We will never be over. You belong to me, Son Chaeyoung." Somi said and wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's arm.

Tzuyu was tightening his grip on Sana's hand to stop her from making a catfight with Somi. He also doesn't like Somi because of her obsession with his best friend. He even told Chaeyoung to not make Somi as his target. But Chaeyoung wouldn't listen.

"Uhm, can you get your filthy hands off my boyfriend?" A calm yet cold voice asked. The four of them turned to the direction of the voice.

Chaeyoung felt his heart beat fast as he saw the girl who talked but he ignored the feeling. He smirked and decided to play along.

My Sassy Hater ➳ MiChaeng HIATUSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon