The worst part of being Choi Sohee's friend is she forces me to do those blind dates with different guys. I dunno but she has this inevitable charisma that made me agreed on doing those stuffs. As I do the blind dates, it seems that those guys aren't interested in me probably because of my state and I wasn't completely surprise because I am too, not interested in them. So all of those freaking blind dates failed. Until she also gave up on setting me up probably because she's so tired on my nagging and because neither of it was succesful.

The thing she excels is redecorating this place, thanks to her "Interior Designing" degree. She made this sloppy place into a modern yet sophisticated café and I love her for doing that.

As I placed myself on my favorite spot, I look around as I admire how nice my café was. Not just the cafe i admire but also how the customer enjoys the food we're offering.

I was scrolling through my phone when the chime sounds indicating someone has entered the cafe. I gaze up and I couldn't believe my eyes right now. I just saw someone whom I was patiently waiting for him to show up for a couple of days. That rude guy FINALLY showed himself in my cafe. I hurriedly press forward and wait for him at the counter. One of my staff, Bang In Jung, were quite surprised by my action, but i signalled him to keep quiet and just take his order.

"Good day sir, may I take your order?" Injung asked politely. "I would like to pick up my order I placed yesterday." he said as he reached the counter. My employee nods and placed his order right away and leave the counter. I wonder if this guy is a regular customer here, probably because injung just did his orders and i bet my staffs probably knows this guy here and it was me and sohee has no idea who is he.

I know this is my cue. "Uhm, sir? I don't know if you remember me... But... Uh... I-I'm Lee Yeori." I stuttered being nervous again.

With my introductory speech, he turned his head a little to his side, a little to my direction. "I was just uhm" I continued, "Hi Lee Yeori, i'm afraid I don't know you-- "I'm the one who squirted the ketchup in your face." I cut him off shortly. Awkwardly.
He finally turned his full body on my direction. "A few days ago, actually." I added gazing up to him. He just remain silent. "Don't you remember it? Dear... Customer?" I asked as I Tilted my head as if i'm ready of his scolding but to my surprise he just continued to remain silent. I finally look up to him trying to see his face again but he's quite tall and i was gazing up to him while sitting on my wheelchair. So that made my neck and chin hurt.

"I remember it very clearly." he replied coldly and turned back the counter. I was gulping hard at his word.

"Uhm, I'm here to formally make my apology to you mr. customer." I bowed to him twice. Politely. But he never returned to me. "Mr. Customer, I would like to say my deepest and sincerest apology for what i have done to you." I bowed again. For a couple of seconds I remain silent and patiently waiting for his reply. "Uhm Mr. Customer?"

"I may be blind but i'm definitely not deaf."

That made me shut up. I just nod at his reply.

"Uhm, I was -- "if you're really sincere in your apology, how would you prove it?" He mutters looking straightforward, cutting me off. "Uhm well, for that, I can treat you... Wait let me rephrase that. Let me treat you some--"Thank you but I can buy myself a sandwich or whichever your offering." he cuts me off in a rude way.

My system starting to fume on his attitude. How could he ask to prove my sincere apology to him if he would curtly interrupt me and tear-down my offer?!

After a few seconds Injung went back to the counter with 3 extra large plastic bags which contains the sandwiches he orders. He purchased quite plentiful amount of it and God only knows for whom those for.

"Here you go sir." Injung handed the plastic bags and he took them right away. He placed the plastic bags on the floor as he reached his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans. He took out a card and said, "Here's my card."

I just stare at him as he took back his card after transactions and bowed at injung as he said his thanks for the purchase. He took all the plastic bags in his left hand and he untangle his neatly folded walking stick on his right hand. One of the customer offered him a help as he was about to leave the café but according to their actions, I think he refused it and the guy just backed off and instead he just offered the door for him. What an egoistic guy!

He eventually leave the café.

I keep on staring on the last place he was at which is the door. I keep on thinking, where would he bring those sandwiches. There's something mysterious on him that makes me want to follow him right now. My fingers were itching to press the forward button but there's also a part of me to hesitantly follow him. But he is really intimidating. And i've never seen an intimidating person before in my life.

Ah! Whatever! I want to follow him. And I bet he's not yet that far from here.

"Injung-ssi, i'll just go outside okay? Please watch over the cafe for me." I tell as I press my forward button driving myself out.

"Where are you going Ms. Yeori?" He asked curiously as I was halfway to the door. I stopped. "I'll just get some fresh air, but i'll be back... Right away." I replied without turning back to him. And finally took off. Injung hurriedly rushed himself to the door and opened it for me. I bowed and thank him. "Take care Ms. Yeori!" He yells as my wheelchair slides down the small ramp on the entrance of the café. Thank Goodness for person like him.

I was searching around as to where that guy went until I finally saw him walking his way to God knows where it is. Swaying his walking stick slowly from left to right. I followed him leaving a distance for him not to be startled. I just want to see where he will be going and for whom are those sandwiches. He turn to his right, I followed him. He turned to his left, I still followed him. It was quite of a travel and I know there are a lot of people staring at me and why did I end up traveling alone. We've passed a few small park and different establishments on our way. It took us a good 25 minutes for me to finally saw a Small Community School at the end of the way he's going. So this is his destination.

The small community school looks like a typical building perhaps comprises of two floors. Painted with different kiddie paintings and portraits like colorful butterflies and birds, a rainbow and some lanscape paintings on the outside of it. It also has pretty landscapy-garden around the building, along with those green grass on the outside field. In the middle of the grassy field, there's a bricked pathway that would lead you to the very front-door of the school.

I still keep on following him until I saw him entered the small school. With just a few meters away from the door, I hear a loud cheering voices of the kids; probably of the students and was followed by giggles.

I stopped infront of the door of the school, hesistantly to knock. I relaxed myself and exhale all the nervous thoughts and I think i'm ready now. I clench my fist and lift my arm, ready to knock when it suddenly opened revealing an ahjumma, perhaps on her late 40's. She has quite plump frame and has a bob-hairstyle exposing some streaks of white hair, stood infront of me. She was quite startled by my unexpected presence.
"Hi, how may I help you miss?" She asked as she leans a bit to match my gaze. My eyes moves from left to right. I feel panicky as I don't know what to do.

"Hi, I, uhm, just following some guy" I said nervously. She looked at me with bewildered face. "Oh! I mean... Please don't get me wrong. I know the guy and I was following him but i cant catch up with him and somewhat, I ended here. But I ain't stalking him it's just that..." she just keeps on giving me a puzzled look. So I need to clarify myself to her.

I cleared my throat and said, "okay, to cut the story short, may I know if there's a guy... Perhaps visited here a few minutes ago? And oh! He's wearing a sunglasses and holding a few plastic bags and--" I was interrupted when she snapped her finger. "Oh! You mean Jinyoossi?" She asked grinningly.

So his name is Jinyoo. Finally, i've got his name.

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