Part Two

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My phone is ringing, it's Maddox. He asks if I want to go out for lunch today, but I decline because I have work today because it's a workday because it's-

Wait, what day is it today? If last night was ladies night and that was Saturday then it's only Sunday so it's not at all a workday and I don't at all have work so I can go to lunch with Maddox today!

I rush to get back to my phone so I can call him and take back that no and say yes! Well maybe a 'yea yea for sure I'll go to lunch with you today' or a 'sure that's cool' to not sound like I'm too excited or anything.

I slip on my black shorts and a grey tank top. I'm ready to go.

The lunch was great, until the waiter spilt another guy's apple juice all over my top. Maddox got a little too upset, but I guess it was well deserved. It's his job to hand out beverages not spill them on people.

Maddox gave me his hoodie after I had cleaned up in the bathroom. It was black, just black. No logo or silly phrase. The inside was softer then his hands were yesterday night. It smelled like warm coconuts and fresh mangos. I don't know much about cologne, but this was a smell I could get used to.

"I'll take you home, you don't need to get a cab." He offers.

"Okay." Is all I can spit out. His eyes are so dreamy, is this a dream? Ugh I'm gonna ruin this like every other relationship I've ever had. Which by the way has only been the small count of three including my childhood crush Adam.

Who am I kidding? Girl you've gotta snap out of this! It's not high school anymore. Relationships are built from mutual respect and liking to one another, not dares and pressure.

I direct him to my place, and he tells me to wait in the car. I wonder why, but then he comes around and opens the door for me. Damn he's so sweet. I cannot fuck this up!

"Thank you." I say, stepping out of the car and onto the sidewalk.

"Your welcome." He says.

"I'm guessing you want your sweater back?"

"It's okay, keep it until I see you next." Next?


"Yes next." He says trying to hold back a strong smile. "If you'll have me."

"I will." I say.

He leans in a little bit, almost as if he expects a kiss. I want to give him one and it looks like he does too.

So I lean in, closing the gap between us. When our lips meet, I contemplate pulling away and ending it at that. A sweet little goodbye kiss.

But I can't, I don't want to.

One hand in my hair, the other on my lower back pulling me in closer. I feel his tongue touching mine.

Suddenly he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against mine, breathing heavy.

Maddox kisses my cheek one last time before I walk away and go inside.




Just wow.

I sink to the floor, and touch my fingers to my lips. It's such a fresh memory, but one that I'm sure I'll keep with me forever.

My first epic kiss.

My first epic, meaningful kiss.

With Maddox.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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