Sasuke finds out the news

Start from the beginning

"I could understand that. What I wouldn't give for another day with my own clan..." His voice trailed off, but Izami didn't need for him to finish that sentence.

"I...Yeah..." Sasuke looked back at Izami with an eyebrow raised. Izami had that conversation with Kakashi before she found out she was pregnant. Now that news had changed everything.

"Something else is bothering you. I can sense that much." Izami sighed, and glanced back at Sasuke, biting her lips slightly. Her mind wrestling with her own thoughts." Just tell me. Surely it can't be that bad."

"It's not bad...Well, I don't think it is."

"Which means I should know. We all know how your 'not so bad' is really." Izami paused.

You really should tell Sasuke-san. He deserves to know.

I know. I just want to hold off until things are more certain...I just don't want what happened to my mother happen to me, and I don't want Sasuke to get up his hopes.

Still needs to know.

It's a decision to be made together.

...This does change everything...

He wanted to restore his clan. I don't think he meant to start so young, ya know?

Well..He's just going to have to start earlier than he hoped.

...Still deserves to know...

Izami shook her head to rid herself of the intruding thoughts. She sighed heavily, and glanced back at Sasuke, who was still waiting for an answer from her.

"I...I wanted to know what you thought about kids. I mean, when it comes to you, and everything."

"Hmph, don't you know me at all, Izami?" He scoffed, looking away. He spoke again, quickly, after that statement, but he still didn't look at her." Someday, I do plan to restore my clan." He looked back at her with a suspicious look." Why? Don't you think it's a bit...I don't know, early in the relationship to start talking about a family? What about you?"

"I...I never really thought about it." Sasuke nodded slowly. He knew there was more. Sasuke wasn't stupid. Then again, he wouldn't be called a genius if he was stupid. Izami sighed, and took a deep breath before letting it out. It was just like ripping off a band-aid. Better to do it fast to get the pain over with as soon as possible. Than slow and let the pain extend more.

"If there's something you need to tell me just say it." Izami nodded. She found it strange how those simple words were enough to give her courage, just a small bit, to just say it. She wasn't even sure why the hell she was so frightened. Maybe she was just frightened by her own acceptance of the whole ordeal rather than Sasuke's reaction.

"I really thought it was nothing more than a bad stomach flu. I was always throwing up whatever I ate. I was tired. I was crampy. My focus was so unbelievably not there it wasn't even funny. I kept having weird dreams...So, I just went to see Sakura-san, and she had to rule out everything...So-"

"Just get to the chase already." Sasuke was getting impatient, Izami could tell. Truth be told, she was also impatient. With herself. Why the hell was she so scared?

"I...I'm..." Ugh, why the hell was it so hard for her to just say the words? Why was she so abnormally tongue tied?

...Because this has changed everything... A part of her mind whispered. Izami groaned, and shook her head to rid herself of that annoying voice, and just looked at Sasuke with a hard look, though she couldn't explain her sudden anger. Maybe it was just anger born out of fear.

"You're going to start your clan a bit earlier than you might have thought before." But what exactly was she fearful of? Sasuke looked at her with wide eyes, and for a moment it almost looked like he was holding his breath. Was she scared of Sasuke's answer? Izami wasn't sure to react to that look at all. All she could do was hold her own breath in anticipation. Was she scared of the future? Of all the possible what if's there were?

"You...You're certain?" Was she just scared that all this would break, and fall apart? Like glass? Again, all Izami could do was nod stiffly.

"Sakura-san told me the results of a test Tsuande-sama had done to rule out any other possibilities." Maybe she was just scared of all the above. Of more things than she could imagine. Because she didn't want to mess this up. Sasuke was silent for a moment. Izami could almost see the wheels turning in his head. Again, spine-tingling fear overcame her. Was this the rejection she feared? Or maybe she just hoped for it. But why? So she'd have a reason not to go through with it?

"How long?" His voice was soft, his eyes on her stomach like he expected it to bulge out at any moment. Izami's hands immediately covered her stomach, as if to protect the unborn child from harm. But Sasuke would never hurt his own child. Or any children. Izami knew that. But she still couldn't help, but be protective.

"I..I'm not really sure. I...Sakura-san wants to give me a check-up in a week to see how things are going with the...The baby...I know I can find out then." Sasuke nodded softly, his expression still like he couldn't quiet grasp what was really happening. Izami couldn't understand either.

"Good. Good. I want to go with you.." Sasuke spoke up after a few moments of silence had passed. Izami's face broke out into a grin.

"Of course." Sasuke just looked at her with a slight smile of his own.

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