Chapter 24: Confused

Start from the beginning

Everyone warned me, even his own brother in a weird way. Colton told me I was being stupid and reckless but I didn't listen. 

"So since you crashed at my house last night, wanna share what went on or are you gonna leave me in the dark?" Colton asked. 

"Are you gonna say I told you so?" I whispered. 

"Never." He replied in the same tone as before. 

"Then just listen." I said while adjusting to look him in the eye. 

Last Night 

I brushed my hair over to the side as I stared at my reflection. My eyes held a weary look to them and I looked pale to say the least. I knew I should probably put on make up or Isaiah would instantly know something was wrong with me. 

We were supposed to be going on a date today, somewhere special, he wouldn't say over the phone for some reason. I don't know if it was a surprised or if this was one of the things to knew not to announce over the phone because you know, he's been in my position before I thought bitterly. 

All night I couldn't think about anything other than the information his brother had shared with me. And the fact he had a brother in the first place. 

Here I was thinking I knew Isaiah so well and it's turning out I don't know him at all. How could I not know he had siblings? Why not tell someone something that simple? 

Needless to say, my trust in him was beginning to perish. I wasn't sure he could do much about it either. 

As I spread make up over my face, fixed my hair, and slipped into a simple blue dress all I could think about was how he was going to explain himself when I told him all I knew. 

Climbing into my car and letting the music drown out my thoughts as I drove to our meeting spot, going to go see him started to seem like a really bad idea every second that went by. 

Truly he couldn't fix this this time. I couldn't think of anything he could say that would make me feel better and trust him again. 

A faint tap sounded from my window, snapping me out of my thoughts. I put on my best smile and rolled my window down. 

"Is that how we greet each other now?" He joked. "Not even getting out the car, just rolling the window down like I'm some hooker you're meeting in a dark alley." Isaiah began laughing at his own joke. 

I tried my best to chuckle along with him as I moved to get out of my car. 

Once out of the car, he went for a hug and I felt my whole body freeze in place. 

It wasn't supposed to be this awkward, I knew how to play happy so why couldn't I do it right now?

I felt his arms stiffen around me as he noticed I wasn't exactly hugging him back. 

"What's the problem?" He asked, taking a deep breath.

What was the problem? 

"No problem, I'm just tired that's all." I lied. 

Isaiah placed both of his hands on either side of my face, smiling down at me. "You could've just said you were tired Stac. We could've went out tomorrow or something." 

I took a deep breath, "No, I would've been tired then too." 

His hands dropped from my face, his smiling slowly disappearing as he noticed I wasn't here to make jokes and laugh like we usually do. 

"Was it the lady from the bathroom?" I said as his expression turned confused. 

"What are you talking about?" He ran his hands through his hair, taking a deep breath.

We Really Shouldn't (student/teacher relationship)Where stories live. Discover now