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.^^ Human/Dragon Hybrids ^^

— Teilin —

The sculpture under my hands was finally finished, after a few weeks of sitting still, so I checked it for any structural issues, and, finding none, I sent the entirety of the sculpted bridge into a spare Bag, a small one that only held about ten cubic meters of matter.

The bag made its way into a couriers hands, and on my way back to my office, Joanne came sprinting up to me. She screeched to a halt, and gripped my shoulders tightly, barely even lighting up my nerve endings, because of my diamond-dense skin.

"Please tell me your mother isn't out of reach?" She asked, gasping for breath.

"I'm fully capable of answering any questions you have, I'm sure. What's wrong?" I raised an eyebrow.

She breathed deeply. "Well... it's like this-"

"Summarize." I warned.

"Well, a Group of Dragon Hybrids are terrorizing a Skycastle." She said simply.

I blinked slowly. "How did Dragon Hybrids get onto this Skycastle?"

"The couriers brought back a few, and their eggs, to let them be studied. They got loose, and now we've been called on. It happened less than an hour ago, so we've still got time. It's important." She sighed.

"And you need my mother... because?"

"Well, we don't want to kill the Beasts." She sighed again, frustrated.

"Ahh. Okay. I can handle that. Let's go, Gwynn." I grinned.

He poked his head out from his wing, where he'd been 'hiding'. "We get to go? Really?"

"That's right, buddy. Admiral, you may lead the way." I leapt onto his back, and he leapt off the back of the Steppes, his 80ft wingspan, (a little over two times his height,) spreading fully, and immediately catching a thermal.

Joanne and Zzzackara flew under us, suddenly, and the massive size difference didn't bother Gwynn, for the first time. He was almost completely out of his chick phase of growth, and the moment it ended, he would begin his final growth, ending just a bit smaller than his mother.

She led us to the south, towards the next Skycastle over, one that only housed couriers, and all of whom were now in the air, surrounding the Skycastle.

We flew amongst them, after the twenty minute flight, and Joanne demanded a progress report.

I simply dove down, leaping off of Gwynn, and landing on the stone square. I spotted the issue immediately, as several scaled semi-humanoid beings began to stalk out of the shadows, where they'd been hiding from the flying beasts above, apparently. Or they were eating in the shade, like their dragon ancestors preferred, though I hoped that my first theory was correct.

My fog rolled across the ground, and I was surprised to find that it melted, around them. I tried a fireball, next, and laughed softly, impressed, when it was also devoured. Their skin glowed softly, releasing the absorbed magic as light, and I nodded, leaping above them and allowing Gwynn to snatch me out of the air.

Joanne glared at me. "If you'd stayed for the briefing, you'd have known they'd already tried that."

I shrugged. "Meh. I like first-hand knowledge more." I strung my bow quickly, and fired an arrow at one of the Beasts in view, striking it in the center of its scaled forehead. As I predicted, the arrow shattered, and the explosion rocked the beast back, but didn't harm it.

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