Something To Watch

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It's time to give you what you want guys :D

Lucy's POV:

Do you know these movie kisses where he gingerly caresses her cheek as he gives her a kiss a light as a brush of a butterfly's wing? These kisses that feel like a spring breeze on a sunny picnic day. Aren't they cute?
Yeah, this wasn't anything like that. This kiss felt like a hot summer night at the lakeside, Barcadi Cola and skinny dipping. Not that I had ever been skinny dipping, but I definitely wanted to now.
Lockwood wasn't aggressive or forceful, on the contrary, he went very slowly and painfully provocative. Of course he was careful at first, but he soon laid a hand on my waist and pulled me very close so that his hips touched my lower stomach.
I forgot to breathe for a second, I was overwhelmed by the same arrogance he had shown earlier on the stage. How did he do that? I couldn't help but run my fingers through his dark hair. It was just long enough to hold on to it and definitely soft enough to get lost in.
This was just a act right? Was it really necessary for said act to let his hand slip dangerously near to my butt?
Our lips separated for second, giving me room to breathe while he smirked. Before I could say anything he pulled me back into the kiss, skipping the careful part this time. I tasted the lemonade he had had earlier on his tongue while it brushed against my teeth. My stomach tingled, his touch sent a shiver up my inner thighs. The long slim fingers of his right hand were tangled in my neck hair.
I really didn't want to, but when he separated from my lips and gave me a short kiss on the space right above my jawline and below my ear, I couldn't help but sigh.
I didn't want it to stop. I wanted his lips on mine, my fingers in his hair and my body pinned against the wall. I wanted to rip his stupid tight shirt off and I needed to hear him moan my name.
Instead he just smiled at me, "I'm sorry if that was too much for you."
"Uh...n-no that's okay." I mumbled, blushing bright red.
"Also I hope it wasn't too bad, I have zero kissing experience." he laughed.
I started at him in disbelief, "You're kidding right? That was your first kiss?"
"Well yeah, I didn't have many options before, did I? Why?"
"Well", I brushed a strand of hair out of my face, "It wasn't bad at all. Also what was with that kiss on the neck in the end?"
He bit his lower lip, "Yes, I guess I kind of...went with it. Sorry if that made you uncomfortable."
More like too comfortable.
"No, it's fine, I just..." I looked around, trying to not let Lockwood see how my face started matching my dress, "Do you think they finally believe us now that we're together?"
He smiled, "Well, after the show we just pulled I believe that there are no doubts left, but if you want to be sure..."
He couldn't finish his sentence, I had already pulled him down by his shirt and kissed him. He chuckled and loosened my hands from his shirt, taking them into his.
This time the overwhelming urge to rip his clothes off was replaced by never wanting to let go of those hands.
I hadn't felt that safe in my hometown in a long time and right now I didn't want to be anywhere else. I realized that it didn't matter where I was, it was home as long as he was there. Again I couldn't help but run my hands through his hair, as I did a hint of shampoo brushed my nose and mixed with his cologne.
He gently pushed me away, breathing slightly harder, "As much as I hate to stop this, we're so standing in the way right now."
I only slowly opened my eyes to see him smile his warm smile, the one I liked most. I couldn't answer yet, too much was going on in my head.
"Why don't you just wait over there while I get something to drink?" Lockwood suggested softly while I was still grasping what was going on.
I looked up into his nearly black eyes, that focused me as intensely as always and nodded.
He smirked, "You'll have to let go of my hands."
"Uh sorry, yes."
"Don't worry", he kissed my forehead, "I won't be long."
Lockwood walked over to the bar at the other side of the room, leaving me leaning against the wall, trying to catch my breath. Suddenly I started giggling to myself, feeling all the places he had kissed me tingle. And they longed for so much more.

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