Chapter 14: Reanimation

Start from the beginning

I nudged Shane to let him know about Andrea and the undead Amy, “Look.” I whispered, pointing over at the girl and thing.

Shane stood up from his seated position, Rick following his lead. The two of them felt for their guns in their pockets and turned the safety off from the both of them. I could hear dead-one Amy’s feint growling as she pulled herself up using Andrea’s hair to hold onto her, her face nearing Andrea’s neck as the first strike of hunger since the reanimation set in. Andrea held her face back as she continued to talk to her undead sister, Amy getting impatient over the fact that her lunch was right there in front of her but she couldn’t quite get to it. Amy’s snarling intensified as she drew ever so closer to Andrea. This behaviour from not only Andrea but her dead-one of a sister was freaking me out as I withdrew my own handgun and began to walk quickly over to Andrea.

“Stay back!” yelled Shane.

“I got this!” I called as I began to jog.

As I came closer, Amy was growling like crazy, Andrea bringing her own silver gun out of her pocket and holding it to her sister’s head.

“I love you.” She whimpered before pulling the trigger and sending chunks of Amy’s cranial mass around the place. I stepped back in shock of what had just happened, Amy’s body falling lifelessly back down to the ground as Andrea stayed put.

“I told you to stay back, that could have ended badly.” Said Shane as he ran up to me.

“And I told you that I got it.” I replied, my hands making their way to my hips automatically, “you’ve got to start trusting me Shane. I’m capable of more than you think.”

It was getting later in the afternoon now, meaning the temperature had gone down and the sun wasn’t as horribly harsh. I needed to do something now as I was tired of being lazy for the past hour I’d had off from work. Shane and Rick were busy on the lookout digging graves for Amy and others from the group, the two of them having that task to themselves. The bodies still needed to be brought up there, so I offered to drive the bodies in a pick-up truck that had seven deceased bodies in it to the lookout for burying.

I parked the truck and got out of it, seeing Rick and Shane finishing off what appeared to be the last grave required. I walked over to the two men to see the work in progress.

“Great work guys, they look perfect.” I said, giving the both of them rough pats on the back in a joking manner.

“Thank you ma’am.” Chuckled Shane, tossing the shovel onto the floor and wiping sweat from his fore head as Rick finished off the last few digs that were needed for the grave.

“Here, I brought you two these.” I said, giving each of the men a juicebox, one apple and one orange.

“Thank you.” Smiled Shane, giving me a small kiss on the cheek as Rick raised his eyebrow at us.

“I didn’t know you two were together.” Smirked Rick as he poked the straw of his apple juicebox in, taking a sip of the cool and refreshing liquid.

“It’s extremely recent.” I replied casually, leaning against the pickup truck.

“And by recent, I guess it was unofficial yesterday evening and official two hours ago.” Laughed Shane as he sipped on his orange juice.

I looked behind me to see the rest of the group trailing towards the lookout, Daryl quicker than the rest of the bunch as he strode in. He walked edgily up to Shane, Rick and I before looking over to the seven occupied body bags on the pickup truck.

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