Chapter 2

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I stood in between Minho and Newt as the box opened. The atmosphere felt heavy as Alby cautiously stepped forward and looked inside, before jumping in. Everyone was dead quiet for a few seconds, waiting in suspense to get a look at the newbie.

We heard some conversation going on in the box but it wasn't loud enough to be understood. Then Alby signed to drop the rope and silence broke when both him and the new boy showed up.

'Ah shuck, it's another boy' I heard some boys behind me whispering.

'Yea, tell me about it. Ever since the girl came I've been hoping for another one to arrive, but seems like we don't have any luck', the second boy responded.

'I know, I was so excited when she showed up, thought we could finally have some fun in this godforsaken place'

'If they were only going to send up one of them, they could've send someone who was actually down to play, I mean if we're stuck here we might as well make the best of it'

I turned around and opened my mouth to throw out some snarky remark, but Newt beat me to it.

'I thought you slintheads might wanna shut your tramps before I shucking get you banished by tonight' he hissed, brows furrowed as he used his height to intimidate.

Newt wasn't one to use his status in the Glade, so when he did people took him seriously. He was the type to be nice to everyone and then unexpectedly bash out very meanly when he was driven to that point.

I almost laughed as he once again turned to face forward, the boys behind us quietly moving away.

He looked at me, face still angry until he couldn't help but crack a smile when he saw me trying to keep myself from laughing.

'What', he asked.

'I think you just got yourself a few extra enemies, Mr. second-in-command', I smiled as I looked up at him.

'I won't have them disrespect any of the gladers like that, so I'll deal with the hate' he responded, looking determined although I could see his anger had cooled down.

'Nice', I began, 'haters make you famous, right?'

'Exactly', he said, trying to hide a chuckle.

I turned to look at the new boy; blonde, a few inches taller than me so of average height, from what I could see dark blue eyes and a mole placed strangely at the right corner of his forehead. He didn't seem to be a whiny type, as he simply looked around and seemed to slowly take everything in. His expression was serious and strong, as Alby gave him some basic information and told him he'd get the rest of his answers at the tour tomorrow. He just nodded and after that, Alby led him to me.

'Alex, could you get the greenie checked up quickly, doesn't seem like he has anything but just to make sure.'

"Just to make sure" seemed to be Alby's favorite sentence in the whole wide world.

I nodded, 'sure', before turning to the boy. 'Alex', I introduced myself with a straight face and didn't stick out my hand for him to shake. I had this idea that being too friendly to greenies wouldn't do them any good. To stay sane in this place you had to be strong, and although the greenbean didn't seem to lack in that department, I still felt the need to show him that there was order in the Glade, and that he would have to work to get recognized. After that, a time to get friendly would come naturally.

'Follow me', I told him, and he simply did what I instructed him to as I threw a quick smile at Newt and Minho before turning on my heel, heading to the med jacks.

Upon arrival, I told him to sit down and Jeff came out to take a look at him.

'It's the new greenie, as you probably know. Alby just told us to do a quick check-up, the usual', I told him as I sat down and watched Jeff check his body for any possible wounds. A small cut wound was found at his back so I passed some ointment to Jeff, who then applied it.

'Elias', the greenie suddenly said after a quiet few minutes.

Jeff and I looked at each other before looking at him.

'That's your name?' Jeff asked him.

'I believe so' he answered.

It was quiet again after that.


After the check-up, I showed Elias where he was supposed to sleep, before getting back to my own room.

'Where are you going?' I heard him ask after I'd turned around.

'To bed, as well. It's late, greenie' I answered with a small smile, looking over my shoulder and preparing to leave again.

'You don't sleep outside like the others?' he asked.

I had previously thought positively about him, because he seemed strong and determined, but I didn't like greenies asking too many questions. So I sighed, and answered: 'I sleep inside, there, in homestead', I pointed to the building, 'done asking questions?'

'Why do you get to sleep inside, though?', he asked again. I didn't like the tone he used with me.

'It's to keep you teenage slint heads out of my personal space, alright? Now bye' I turned on my heel once again.

'So just because you're a girl?'

Annoyed, I turned to him one last time and walked towards him, invading his personal space. 'That's right, you shank, and if you're done shucking interrogating me as if you have any right to, I'll take my leave now'

He had this strange look in his eyes which I paid no attention to as he finally shut up and I could head to homestead, craving a good night's sleep.


When I got to the hallway leading to my room, I bumped into someone's chest when I turned a corner. My hand shot up to my forehead and started rubbing it in an automatic response, as I looked up to see whose chest was rude enough to bump my forehead.

'Hurt yourself?' Newt smiled as his hand reached up and he eased my forehead with his thumb. I was momentarily taken aback by how close he was, and took a moment to regain my composure.

I released the breath I hadn't noticed I was holding and playfully hit his chest.

'If you weren't so unnecessarily tall my forehead wouldn't be in this much agony' I joked as I took a careful step back to get some space between us.

He made a face as he spoke, 'sorry?' we both grinned before Newt continued the conversation, 'So what you think about the new greenie? Will he be of any use?'

I furrowed my brows thinking back to my 'talk' with him a few moments ago. Something seemed to be odd about him. 'I don't really know.. he seems strange'

Newt slightly cocked his head, 'What do you mean?'

I shrugged, 'I'm not sure. He doesn't seem to like me very much'

'That's probably because of your ever-present attitude, love' he said.

I scoffed as I hit his side with my elbow, 'ah come one, I know you love that about me'

It had been a harmless comment but I noticed he momentarily avoided my eyes and although small, the way his grin awkwardly disappeared for a split second still caught my eye. The atmosphere shifted slightly as he once again looked me in the eyes and grinned, although it didn't feel quite as genuine as it did before.

'Can't deny that' he responded after a silence that was just a few seconds too long to be considered natural.

Feeling the awkward vibe that had suddenly filled up the hallway, I coughed and avoided his eyes for a second as I wondered how a simple tease had become this uncomfortable.

I scratched my neck and smiled crookedly 'I'm tired, it was a long day. Good night, Newt'

I heard him say a 'good night' in response as I walked past him, towards my room.


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