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	"Thanks!" I said, smacking on the Nicki Minaj Mac lipstick that Niall gave me several years ago

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

"Thanks!" I said, smacking on the Nicki Minaj Mac lipstick that Niall gave me several years ago. "Remember this?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I remember how happy you were when I got you that!" Niall smiled. He seemed so, different tonight. It was about seven o'clock and in September, so the moon was coming up. Maura pulled up. By now, she was basically my mother, as my biological family completely cut off ties with me and Doniya.

"Hey!" Niall called. Maura was wearing a long, faux fur coat that her boyfriend got her. I heard that her boyfriend, who was a few years older than her was really sweet and rich and loved to treat her. He wasn't here tonight though.

"Hi honey! How's everything going?" She asked, as if we haven't seen each other in ages. Reality was we saw each other yesterday, when she dropped off a casserole she baked for us.

"Good, is everybody here yet?" Doniya asked.

"Is there supposed to be anymore people?" I asked.

"Liam Payne." Niall said.

"Oh, okay, is he here?"

"Dude, he was the first one here!" Louis called. He pulled out his phone. Apparently Liam got here before all of us and was already sat down inside, while we were loitering in the dark. With Louis and Doniya looking like streetwalkers and Maura looking like a rich sugar mama.

"Let's go in." I said. We all went inside. The hostess, a pretty asian woman, who reminded me of a younger version of Dr. Morilla, led us to our reserved spot, two connected tables with four seats each. Niall, Doniya, Maura and I sat at one table. Liam, Louis and Harry sat at the other. We all got potstickers and egg drop soup for appetizer.

"How's your college going?" Maura asked me, sipping on her oolong tea.

"It's good, I'm almost done with another essay." I answered.

"That's good, Niall how's work?" She asked.

"It's good, my boss said that I might get a promotion soon, as she is planning to retire in about a year or so." He said. Doniya told me about her day, she was serving Noah Cyrus for her new photoshoot to protest animal cruelty in fur farms, sponsored by PETA.

"Well, I'm glad that this coat is vegan." She said, loosing up her coat, showing the little black dress she had underneath. We ordered a seafood platter with some dumplings. Harry and Louis decided on a dim sum sampler dish. Liam got a peking duck.

"Hey, remember when we went to that other restaurant?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, that was such a long time ago, I feels like yesterday." I sighed. I had a feeling something special was happening. We got our food. I served myself a pile of rice and shrimp.

"So, how are you doing, Maura?" Doniya asked, asked she got herself some squid and noodles.

"Very good, life at the pharmacy has been boring as usual, but with the recent opioid crisis, we have been inspecting every capsule to make sure it doesn't contain any diamorphine in them, very shady business has been happening in Afghanistan recently." She said, swallowing a piece of octopus.

Love Can be Frightening *A Ziall AU*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz