Drabble 17

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While yes, Shinichi's boyfriend was technically a murdered, the detective always made a clear distinction between serial killer and professional assassin. It was an obvious difference; while both murdered people, a professional assassin like Gin had zero urges to kill, however it was a part of his job and he simply didn't care, a serial killer on the other hand was sick.

Now, as all terminology goes, it can get confusing. Both professional assassins and serial killers are murderers and every person that has killed more than one person can qualify to be a serial killer… And the confusion doesn't end there, because there are serial killers that do it professional, but it's not the same.

A professional assassin, or a hitman, wasn't the same as a mad serial killer like Albert Fish. Not even close.

Was he trying to make his lover seem like a better person? Hell no. He knew that Gin wasn't a cookie cutter guy and that he will never be morally aligned with what his boyfriend did. He wanted to forget that part of Gin, if possible. But, he was so over people assuming he lived with a madman who would kill him just for the pleasure of it - because Gin received zero pleasure from it. It was very obnoxious for him to say the least, let alone that he would kill someone on his own accord for no job related reason.

He didn't doubt that Gin would kill him if he had to, Shinichi knew that Gin's job was way above anything else on the assassin's list, but there really wasn't any concern for him. Because, unlike the very real danger plenty of people far everyday, Gin wouldn't murder him out of irrational mentions like jealousy even if the detective was cheating him. Or would cause him any physical harm if he didn't desire so and most definitely not in any time increment in which he didn't or more than he did or a different way than he did.

The conclusion was that Shinichi wasn't leading a healthy relationship per se, but he also wasn't anywhere near in immediate danger like when the rare people that find out about Gin think; at least according to the cases he worked on, it was actually less.

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