Drabble 14

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With dating a professional assassin, Shinichi was already in weird territory and the teen didn't expect to have an innocent teen romance either. Obviously. Shinichi had experienced some gruesome things that put a damper on the whole carefree charade and Shinichi had long lost his actual, physical innocence. So there was that; going in to the relationship both of them knew that it wouldn't be holding hands and shy kisses or anything like that - it would be the complete opposite.

Shinichi had kinks. And those weren't​ the normal handcuffs, blindfolds or ropes stuff - his kinks were somewhere in the middle of the BDSM scale. Far from a little spicy but also not close to the really, truly weird stuff at least for the people in the link community, to outsiders yeah, those were pretty weird. probably nothing they would try themselves, ever.

Gin's kinks were off deep end. No surprises there.

The longer he stayed with Gin and tried out new things, he worse Shinichi got; his soft limits from a year ago had become regular sex acts and the killer certainly was stretching his limits a lot of what he found acceptable and what turned him on. And also what kind of objects he could take being inside of him, because he had made heaps of improvement in that department.

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