"Breaking the bond of true mates is very dangerous. You both could die from it or if one of you survives it one of you could develop insanity. Even if Alpha Viktor marks you it won't replace the bond you have already created with your true mate. He is playing on dangerous grounds but I believe he is doing it in hopes that both of you don't make it out alive." Yulian remarked, his hands fisted at his side.

"If that is the case then why didn't he challenge me?" Natalya angrily questioned. Just the thought of losing Constantin was unbearable.

"I know my cousin. You are too strong for him. Alpha Maksim and Nikolai are the ones who trained you and they have led a very successful pack. He knew that if anything you would have inherited their skills and he wouldn't have stand a chance." Constantin sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Natalya didn't care about the challenge. All she wanted to do was kill the man who thinks he could take her mate away. If anything happened to Constantin, she will not be mated to the killer of her mate. No. She will kill him regardless.

"I can do it," Constantin answered as he looked up at Maksim and Yulian. "I am not an unexperienced fighter. I have fought for a very long time. It runs in my blood. When will he arrive?"

"In a few hours. Border patrols are warned already on their arrival." Maksim replied.

After Maksim and Yulian left, Constantin watched his mate pace the floor back and forth. He can see the frustration welling up inside of her. The pain she was feeling again. She was afraid of losing him again. The quiet mumbles coming from her only confirmed how oblivious she was to him standing before her.

If today was going to be his last day with his mate, just the thought had his stomach curled in knots. He was pain just as much as she was. He needed to tell her something before it was too late.

"Natalya." He walked up to her and took hold of her elbow. She looked up at him immediately from the touch of their skin.

"Constantin, I can't lose you." Her voice broke and she wrapped her arms around him tightly. Her face buried in his chest.

"I know. I can't lose you too."

"Why are there these stupid laws anyways? If I could do something I would rip his throat out before he could even touch our land." Her voice was muffled in his chest.

The corner of his lip lifted, "I want to tell you something."

She looked up at him with her arms still wrapped around his waist.

"What is it?" She asked.

He cupped her cheeks and brought his forehead down to hers.

"I lived a life filled with darkness. I was tortured until I broke down. I promised myself not to cry in front of Viktor but even I couldn't stop the painful tears. He will whip and beat me. My bones will break and heal only to break again. I was in constant pain.

When he cut my throat, there was a small part of me that was happy and I wanted to let go. I thought it would be better than living in his dungeon and being tortured every single day. However, ever since I laid eyes on you in the arena I knew I have finally seen light. Even if I tried pushing it away, I couldn't ignore the hope that started to light up inside of me. I was hopeful for the first time that my life might change and that I could be happy." Constantin explained what was in his heart.

Even talking to her, he could feel the hope in his chest. There was no doubt about the first time they met that he had already fallen in love with her. His mate. His heart. The woman with violet eyes that gave him hope and warmth.

He leaned in to kiss her lips, unable to resist the temptation. The feel of her soft willingly lips touching his was heaven. He sighed and pulled her close to his chest. He didn't want to lose her.

"There was a part of me that refuse to believe something so good could come to me so easily after a life so long in darkness but now I know that it could happen. You are finally mine. I give myself to you, Natalya. Every single part of me is yours. I will not leave anything out. You are my heart. The only thing that keeps my heart beating."

He pulled her back and she slowly dropped her arms from his side. He took his time memorizing her small beautiful face. Her eyes soft with so much care and compassion.

He lifted his hands into the air and signed, I love you. I love you from the start and I will love you till the end.

She inhaled sharply and tears begin to well up in her eyes. A sob left her lips before she threw herself back into his arms.

"You say that you lived your life in darkness and that I am your light but I don't think you understand how much you were my light. The moment I saw you, I also felt that hope. I knew I couldn't lose you again. I love you too, Constantin. I love you so much that I can't bear the thought of losing you. I won't survive this time, Constantin. If you are gone, I will follow." She declared through her sobs.

He chuckled and tightened his arms around his dear mate, "Well then, that means that I will have to win for the both of us. I can't have you dying on me. I need you alive as you are my heart." 

Author's Note:

Hello All,

I think we are nearing the closure of Natalya and Constantin. I can see a few chapters left only. I am hoping to push out a chapter a day. Right now I am on spring break so you get me for one week. I can't wait to complete their ending. 

Leila Vy

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