Loki god Of flirtation.

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I wake up… so obviously not dead.

And when I wake I’m still cold. I shiver all over. And something on the floor next to the bed I appear to be in stirs.

I shoot up.

Too fast… I’m going to regret that In about three seconds.

I wait for pain…


“Odin what’s he done to me.” I whisper.

“I’ve saved you is what I’ve done.” The thing stirring next to me was Loki.

Looking himself again, all pale skinned and green eyed. More handsome than I’d ever seen him. He looked rugged and warn. His face unshaven, His hair an untamed mess.

I wanted to bite my lip like a stupid school girl and just swoon over him.


I hate myself. And also I hate him but there are more matters that need to be taken care of other than my own self-loathing.

“Are you alight?”

I shake my head. “No… I’m not actually. But I’d really like to know what’s going on.”  

He laughed. “We would all. The answers are unclear for now. But the ridiculous humans have finally come to the conclusion that we are in fact unable to have been involved with whatever is going on. They’re currently trying to reach Asguard…but there is no answer. We’ve been instructed to wait here in this human mud shed they call a home until they find something.”

I look around… were in a small room, a bed room.

There’s a door. I look back at him.

“Why are you still here? You have you run of the world my friend. With the midguardians concerned with what’s going on up there….your free to ruin things down here.”

He looked me deep in my eyes. The way that women long and yean to be looked at all their lives. The way a man only looks at a woman before he kisses her. His eyes gazing at her lips… as if he’s just dying to rush in and press against them with his own.

And I just smile. “Is that your plan then? Woo me into letting you go… Well it won’t work.”

His face turns sour.

“You must ruin every moment mustn’t you!” he accuses seeming almost hurt.


“You’re just so determined that I’m so very bad. What If I’m not?”

“Then all that stuff… the taking over midguard. The leading the frost giants to your brothers coronation. Was just a bad day. Everything you’ve done…and you expect me to believe that you’re just a nice guy who looks deep in my eyes in such a way because he actually feels something for me.”

I scoff.

And He simply jumps up from his chair. Rushing at me until he’s inches away. I think he’s going to hit me. But he doesn’t…he leans in his lips grazing my ear again.

“The world looks at me and sees evil. It looks at you and sees weakness, and only beauty where there is so much more. If it is possible for there to be more behind your looks and your actions, for there to be feelings that drive you to the things you do then Is it not possible that I too could have more to me than my past? Can I never be more than my worst decisions?”  

I was stunned. What could I say to that?

“So you’re saying I can trust you?” I challenge.

His eyes twinkle as his lips dance with mischief. “No I could never advise such a decision. I’m simply not that Evil.”

I laugh. “You’re ridiculous! Amidst all this and you joke.”

His grin is inviting as he looks at me almost shyly…and then again totally confidant. How could he do that at the same time?

“Well I had to see that smile didn’t I.”  

My heart jumps. And he laughs. “Don’t look so scared Helena, I’ve no intention of compromising your mission.”

How could he know that was my worry?

“I simply want it to be known…my feelings for you, which you may have suspected I had, are now growing quite rapidly.”

What the bloody Hell?  

Is he messing with me now? Is he for freaking real?

 “Well…” I don’t know what else to say. He likes that… my inability to speak.

“But we’ve established that would be unprofessional wouldn’t it.” Loki says his lips so close to mine. His words move breath onto my mouth.

“yes.” I whisper. 

Then I blink and his face has c hanged no longer seductive its calm. And the tension is gone, the moment over. In an instance all that was once possible between us became nothing once more.

I could have done something about my feelings and I didn’t. I lost my chance. And…that makes me happy.

I blink… and become furious, and delirious… which is not quite an appropriate mixture if you can imagine.

“Stop that!” I command furiously.

He looks at me puzzled… what a showman.

“What on earth are you talking about? Stop what?”

I scoff. “Pretending you don’t know what you’re doing!”

His expression only grows more confused.

I sigh… now I must explain to the man who is merely playing games with me!

“Stop all of the sultry Looks, and the flirtatious little glances! The intimate moments you play out so cleverly! I’m Not a school girl any longer Loki! I’m not ruled my hormones anymore! I can and I will resist your practiced charms! I don’t care if you’re good Or Not! I don’t care why you’re playing with me so! But stop it! Because you’re only humiliating yourself!”

When I’m finished with my explosive speech I’m heaving. Which only hurts my chest.

He looks at me stunned though and the satisfaction I get from that look on his face…


What is that look?


No I couldn’t be?

I stare harder but his expression changes into a sharp and unfeeling mask.

“You… you disappoint me Helena! You truly do! I had hoped you would be the one.” His face turns honest once again. And I see in him pain, and Fear and humiliation. And guilt overwhelms me.

What have I done?

“I had hoped you would be the one person who would see more than…than...” he struggles to continue then looks me in the eye and his face turns to disgust.

“Well doesn’t matter what I’d hoped now does it? You’ve made your self very, if not overly clear! I shall keep distance! And you will have no more than polite civility from me from now on, you have my word. Not that it means so very much to you I am after all a villain aren’t I?”

With one last look he’s left me alone again.

To ponder once more the man that is Loki of Asgard. 

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