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Her eyes are the color of cream. 

a yellowish white that looks unnatural and almost disturbing. but the prince maintains a polite air as he sets before her. 

she's been sitting there a while staring into nothing. reacting to something he couldn't see. 

her wrinkled Lips quivering as she wheezed dusty breath in and out of her open mouth. 

"i see in your heart a pain and suffering." she whispered eyes looking serious as she concentrated hard on her visions. 

"and I am sorry to say this is  not the end of your aching." her eyes are honest and true, she is undoubtedly saddened by what she sees. 

But Thor has come for one thing! one thing only, not to hear of his own pain, or his own suffering, that no longer mattered to him. 

all he really cared was if there was anything to be done. the whole nine realms were looking to him to make a decision. 

to kill Loki or to let him live. 

IT was too much for him to manage on his own! he had come to the old woman for an answer. his scruffy unshaven face was a mask of calm as he nodded towards her. 

"about Loki my lady, can be saved? can he be rehabilitated or is he too far gone?" he asked with much effort to get the emotional words out of his mouth. 

the woman's lips pursed she looked farther into her subconscious for the answer her prince was looking for. 

and then she saw her... the answer to all of their problems.

The bringer of relief and the savior of many. 

a girl with little good to relive, and many lessons learned. 

"I see a young woman." she starts. 

"she is beautiful and bright... she will save him. she will save him all. Loki will love her! and through this love he shall be redeemed." 

Thor smiles excited and relieved. his hand goes to his head, where he runs a finger through his locks. which are tangled and greasy from the way he's been living... unshowered and wrecked entirely. 

"that's amazing!" Thor begins but the old woman holds up a hand to stop him. 

"but it will be a journey of pain! she will be a beacon of light in his heart... but i'm sorry.. she will tear your soul a part." 

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