Then she got angry, really angry. "Johnny, how dare you call me that, I did everything for you, all you wanted, and so you thank me that with insulting me!? Listen to me, you're dating me again and if not then I'll make the life of your little slut Mackenzie a horrible nightmare! Did you understand that?"

I shook my head an took a step closer to her. "First. The only thing you gave me, or did for me was sex. And second. No, I'm not going to do that. And If you lay a finger on her, I'll punch all the life out of your ugly and fake, plastic body!"

"Oh Johnny, you sweet little dumbass. This is my game, with my own rules. You can't win that, or protect this ugly dog. You'll be mine soon." She said like the devil.

I shook my head and was about to step away from her, to hurry to my next class before I'll be late. But she grabbed my arm and pressed me against the wall. Then she forcefully kissed me. I tryed to push her away but her hands were around my neck and held it tight. Then I had the perfect idea. I would "surrender" as if she had won and slowly join the kiss. Then I would push her away without warning with full force of me, so hard that it will hurt her pretty bad. And so I did.

I slowly stopped to try to get away from her and just let her do. Then I went on with my plan and carefully wrapped my arms around her waist. I could feel on her lips formed a little smile of victory. Then her grip on me got less hard and I used my chance. I pushed her away as hard as I could. Finally our lips disconnected and she struggeled before she fell on the floor. A mischievous grin crept on my face.

"Don't mess with Kenz or me, Nadia. There is no way you can win."

Then I turned around and went to my class.
An emberassed Nadia screamed after me. "This is not over Johnny Orlando!"

"Oh, girl. You know what? It hasn't even started." I laughed and hurried to my class.

The rest of the day passed really quick, quicker then I thought until we had finally lunch. I grabbed all my school stuff and went as fast as I could to Mackenzie's and my lockers. All the day I tryed to not met Nadia again.
Kenzie was already waiting for me to go to lunch. I gave her a passionate kiss before we went away together. For lunch we could choose what we wanted to eat. Kenz chose some nuggets with french fries and tomato sauce. I chose a big burger and salad. We sat down at our table with the populars and I introduced Kenzie to the others because it was her first day at the populars table.

"Okay everyone, this is Mackenzie. I guess you already know because of social media, that we are dating, she is my girlfriend." I said and hell I was proud.

"Oh my god you are so cute." Sophia said.

"Why are you so beautiful?" Lizzy asked Kenzie.

"Welcome to the family!" Nicole smiled.

"Hi girl." Jayden said.

"Welcome..." Connor started.

"To the bad boys and little bitches, I know." Kenzie ended.

"Wassup?" Carson asked.

"Good chose Johnny." Hayden couldn't stop it.

"Wow!" Sheaden shouted.

"Dang it you are really pretty." Brandon told her.

"Okay guys, so Mackenzie already knows Connor and Jayden. So Kenz this is Sophia, Lilzzy, Nicole, Hayden, Sheaden and Brandon." I said.

She smiled. "It's so nice to meet you all."

Then we just started eating our lunch until I decided to tell Kenz something.
"Okay listen, today something awful happened. I want to talk to you later at your house and then I want to forget about it.

She smirked. "Sure."

Everyone from the table gave us a mischievous smirk. Shit they unterstood it too.

"What?" Kenzie asked. Everyone just started laughing.

"I mean I know you two made it earlier but don't plan it so obvious!" Jayden laughed.

"Yeah, not even sheaden and I make it that obvious." Nicole said.

Brandon joined. "Me and Lizzy neither!"

And finally Carson hopped into the boat. "Yeah but they don't get caught, unlike Lauren and me."

I gave him a death stare while Hayden just laughed even more. "No, you didn't! Oh my gosh you and Johnny's sister?"

I took a deep breath to not punch Carson or Hayden. "Yes Hayden, he did. I got home from Mackenzie's house and just heard weird noises, noises I know too well. Then I bursted into their room and you can imagine the rest."

Everyone laughed but went on with their food.
I did my last few classes and when the schoolday was over I caught up with Kenz to go home with her. When we arrived at Mackenzie's house, we got upstairs into her room and locked the door. We sat down on her mastersized bed and I started telling her what just happened before my French class.


i lOve dOiNg tHat


Oh my god!
Thank you so much for more than 3k readers.
I really can't belive it and I'm so thankful to everone who votes for this story.
Please tell me if I should do another story, something like
"Friends with benefits" or generally, should I write more stuff like this story or stuff that's less pervert? Ly all so much!

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