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Everyone decided to explore the palace except Stephen and I. I know every corner of this palace. I just decided to go to the garden . I could sense Stephen's gaze on me .

I sat on the bench taking in the fresh air. I missed this place. When ever I was angry I would come here .

"Come, come to me Megan." Some one said. I was surrounded by darkness. It was cold. "Who's there?" I asked.
"You safe." The voice said . I didn't want to follow the voice but my legs disobeyed. The voice then started laughing. Why was my legs not listening.

I woke up and I screamed as I saw May by my side. I sat up right and looked around. I was back in the palace of my nightmare. "How did I get here?" I  asked . "One name Alexander." She said.  So that voice I heard was Alexandre. "Where is Nike and the others?" I asked. She gave out a rough laugh . She stood and ordered the two men who looked like guards to take me to Alexander.

I was thrown into a room. It was huge and the curtains was close. Then I noticed i wasn't alone. In front of me was a man on the bed. Then he was in front of me. His looked familiar. Where have I seen him before. Stephen!
"Seems like you have met my son." He said then there was a smirk on his face.

The door opened wide and in a violent way. "Father!" Stephen roared. I didn't know if I should feel scared or happy.

Stephen took my hand and pulled me at the back of me. His father's green eyes turned red. "What are you doing son!" He shouted . Stephen held his ground. Ross and May entered the room. They all looked shocked. May stared at me and her eyes darkened. She was ready to attack. "Don't you dare!" Stephen snapped at her. Her face soften like her heart has been broken. She likes him ? Oh I've done it again. Making her hate me more. "What is the meaning of this!?" His father asked.

I thought he would answer but then we found ourselves back in the abdonded palace, in my room. We stood there staring at each other. What just happened? He was about to leave my room. "Why did you do that?" I asked
"Do what?" He asked making like he didn't know what I was saying. " Going against your father?" I asked
"I just saved your ass but I don't get a thank you."
"Not funny!"
"Why did you feed me?" He asked. He walked closer towards me . I kept backing back. The door flew open. Before i could say a thing Nike flew his arms around me.

He then let go. He turned to Stephen. "Thank you." He said.

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